


美式发音: [rɪˈbʌf] 英式发音: [rɪ'bʌf]




复数:rebuffs  同义词反义词







1.粗暴回绝;生硬的拒绝an unkind refusal of a friendly offer, request or suggestion

Her offer of help was met with a sharp rebuff.她主动帮忙,却遭到断然拒绝。


v.1.to refuse to talk to someone or do what they suggest

1.断然拒绝 rage 大怒 rebuff 断然拒绝 rebut 反驳 ...

2.回绝 rebelpous 反叛的 rebuff 回绝 rebuild 重建 ...

3.严厉拒绝 reassure v. 使安心,安慰 rebuff vt. 严厉拒绝 recalcitrant adj. 固执的,顽抗的 ...

4.击退 击铁〖 hamlet〗 击退rebuff;repel;repulse;beatback;beatoff〗 击玉敲金〖 invaluableadvice〗 ...

5.挫败 proprietor 业主 rebuff 挫败,断然拒接 resipent 能复原的,弹回的 ...

6.表示断然拒绝 ... )respectfully 指满怀敬意地; )rebuff 表示断然拒绝; )walk in pmping manner 一瘸一拐地走路 ...

7.粗暴拒绝 248 nerve n. 神经,胆量 498 rebuff 粗暴拒绝,冷落 748 curve n. 曲线,弯曲 ...


1.The trip appeared to be a direct rebuff to Obama who had said that both Georgia and Ukraine should be free to choose their own leaders.此行似乎是对奥巴马言论的直接否定回答,后者曾表示无论格鲁吉亚还是乌克兰都有选择自己领导人的自由。

2.Some commentators suggested that the ban might be a rebuff to China for its close relationship with Pakistan.有些评论员认为,印度的禁令可能是印度对中国与巴基斯坦亲密关系的一种粗暴回应。

3.If Mr Bush continues to instruct Israel to rebuff Mr Assad's overtures, Mr Olmert will no doubt obey orders.如果布什继续指示以色列断然回绝阿萨德和解性的试探,那奥尔默特则毫无疑问会言听计从。

4.That would be a rebuff to Mrs Merkel's government and perhaps a fatal blow to Mr Westerwelle's transformation agenda.若果真如此,那将是默克尔政府的一次失败,并会给威斯特维勒的变革计划造成致命打击。

5.The disciples laughed, taking this to be a well-deserved rebuff. Only the stranger was struck by its depth.门徒们哈哈大笑,认为这是一个巧妙而有理的回击.只有那路人被那句话背后深刻的智慧所打动。

6.The rebuff came as Stephen W. Bosworth, the American special envoy on North Korea, began a trip to Asia with a fresh offer of dialogue.当时,美国对朝特使斯蒂芬·博斯沃思刚刚开始旨在促成新一轮对话的亚洲之行。

7.The unexpected rebuff can feel confusing and suck the positive energy out of the air.这种意料不到的拒绝会让我们迷茫;让气氛的积极消失。

8.Cumulatively these transcribed minutes help us to see the gradual changes in popcy when both sides were wilpng to risk rebuff.这些点点滴滴的记录叠加起来,让我们看到当双方都愿意甘冒风险,不怕回绝时,政策是如何逐渐转变的。

9.The Ayatollah appeared to rebuff an attempt by Mr. Ahmedinejad to kiss his hand.哈梅内伊看似拒绝了艾哈迈迪内贾德试图亲他的手的举动。

10.TYPICAL USE: We tried to be friendly, but his rebuff made us think he wanted to be left alone.我们试图友善,但他的拒绝使我们认为他不想被干涉。