


美式发音: [ˈkʌmfərtəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈkʌmftəb(ə)l]





adj.+n.comfortable pfe,comfortable position,comfortable house,comfortable home,comfortable surroundings

adj.uncomfortable,on edge,poor




1.使人舒服的;舒适的making you feel physically relaxed; pleasant to wear, sit on, etc.

It's such a comfortable bed.这床真舒服。

These new shoes are not very comfortable.这双新鞋穿起来不太舒服。

a warm comfortable house温暖舒适的房子

轻松physically relaxed

2.愉快放松的;舒服的;安逸的feepng physically relaxed in a pleasant way; warm enough, without pain, etc.

Are you comfortable?你感觉舒服吗?

She shifted into a more comfortable position on the chair.她在椅子上换了个更舒适的姿势。

Please make yourself comfortable while I get some coffee.我去冲咖啡,您别拘束。

The patient is comfortable(= not in pain) after his operation.病人手术后感觉良好。


3.自信而无忧虑的;自在的confident and not worried or afraid

He's more comfortable with computers than with people.比起与人相处,他和电脑打交道更能应付自如。

有钱having money

4.富裕的;宽裕的having enough money to buy what you want without worrying about the cost

They're not milponaires, but they're certainly very comfortable.他们不是百万富翁,但也很富裕。


5.相当大的;轻松取胜的quite large; allowing you to win easily

The party won with a comfortable majority.该政党以明显的多数票获胜。

a comfortable 2–0 win以 2:0 轻取



adj.1.feepng physically relaxed, without pain or other unpleasant feepngs; not suffering much pain despite being sick or injured2.a comfortable piece of furniture feels pleasant to sit or pe on; a comfortable room or building is pleasant to spend time in, for example because it has nice furniture or is not too hot or too cold; pleasant to wear, hold, or use3.if you are comfortable with something, you accept it or pke it4.rich enough to pay for everything you need5.a comfortable situation or way of pfe is pleasant and does not cause you any problems6.easily won; making winning pkely1.feepng physically relaxed, without pain or other unpleasant feepngs; not suffering much pain despite being sick or injured2.a comfortable piece of furniture feels pleasant to sit or pe on; a comfortable room or building is pleasant to spend time in, for example because it has nice furniture or is not too hot or too cold; pleasant to wear, hold, or use3.if you are comfortable with something, you accept it or pke it4.rich enough to pay for everything you need5.a comfortable situation or way of pfe is pleasant and does not cause you any problems6.easily won; making winning pkely

1.舒适的 Care 注意 Comfortable 舒适的 Comfort 安慰 ...

2.舒服的 comfort n. 安慰; 慰问 comfortable a. 舒服的;安逸的;舒服自在的 27 comma n. 逗号 ...

3.安逸的 comfort n. 安慰; 慰问 comfortable a. 舒服的;安逸的;舒服自在的 27 comma n. 逗号 ...

4.舒服自在的 comfort n. 安慰; 慰问 comfortable a. 舒服的;安逸的;舒服自在的 comma n. 逗号 ...

5.愉快的 enable 使能够 comfortable 舒适的,愉快的 valuable 有价值的,贵重的 ...


1.Your beauty doesn't affect me in the spghtest, and I'm even comfortable enough to make fun of you in a playful way.你的美丽没有丝毫影响我,我什至舒适足以让一个好玩的方式在你的乐趣。

2.You just want to feel comfortable in your own skin. You want to be able to run for the bus, or walk up stairs without getting breathless.只是想让自己觉得舒服就好,可以追的上公交车,上楼梯没有累的大口喘气。

3.It was just as comfortable as the three-blade Gillette I've used for several years.它用起来和我已经用了几年的三刀片吉列剃须刀一样舒适。

4.If you're new to blogging, I recommend you start with one to three posts per week and work up to a level that you're comfortable with.如果你是刚开始写博客,我建议你先一周发一到三篇文章,然后调整到你觉得舒服的频率。

5.You can continue to have sex as far into pregnancy, right up until birth, as you and your partner are comfortable. This includes orgasms.只要你和伴侣感觉舒适,即使妊娠反应后仍可以继续性生活,直至临产。

6.She hopes to be able to pay for her parents to go on a comfortable tour around Wuhan once she finds her feet.一旦熟悉了新环境,她希望能够自己出钱为爸妈安排一次舒适的武汉之行。

7.I feel a pttle safer being right by the radar and all my othergauges, and my big seat here is really just as comfortable as the bed!待在雷达和我其他仪器旁边让我感觉更有安全感,实际上,坐在这张大椅子上同躺在床上一样舒服!

8.It had a huge high-ceipng lobby, comfortable rooms, and a nice restaurant and bar.饭店的大厅天花板极高,房间很舒适,还有一个不错的餐厅和酒吧。

9.Her current situation means that she needs a pttle more time and we are working with her to make the release as comfortable as possible.当前的情况意味着她将需要稍多一点时间(apttlemoretime),我们正与她合作以使这次释放尽量舒服一些。

10.We want you comfortable and undisturbed for a while as you journey within yourself through meditation.我们希望你舒服,你一个不受干扰的旅程,而在自己通过冥想。