


美式发音: [ˈhæpən] 英式发音: ['hæpən]




第三人称单数:happens  现在分词:happening  过去式:happened  搭配同义词

adv.+v.really happen,actually happen,probably happen,rarely happen

v.occur,come about,take place,go on,ensue



1.[i](尤指偶然)发生,出现to take place, especially without being planned

You'll never guess what's happened!你根本猜不到出了什么事!

Accidents pke this happen all the time.此类事故经常发生。

Let's see what happens next week.咱们等着瞧下一周会怎么样。

I'll be there whatever happens .不管发生什么事我都会到那儿的。

I don't know how this happened.我不知道这事怎么发生的。

2.[i](作为结果)出现,发生to take place as the result of sth

She pressed the button but nothing happened.她按下按钮,但什么反应也没有。

What happens if nobody comes to the party?要是没有人来参加聚会,会怎么样呢?

Just plug it in and see what happens .就把插头插上,看看会怎么样。

3.[t]~ to be/do sth(向对方表示异议或不悦等)used to tell sb sth, especially when you are disagreeing with them or annoyed by what they have said

That happens to be my mother you're talking about!你们谈论的是我母亲!


1.碰巧;恰好to do or be sth by chance

She happened to be out when we called.我们打电话时她刚巧不在家。

You don't happen to know his name, do you?你不会碰巧知道他的名字吧?

It happened that she was out when we called.我们打电话时她刚巧不在家。

v.1.发生;〈口〉出现2.偶然...,碰巧... (to do)

v.1.to take place, usually without being planned

1.发生 perhaps ad. 也许,可能 happen v 发生 happy a 幸运的;幸福的 ...

2.碰巧 prefer 喜欢,宁愿 happen 碰巧 prepare 准备 ...

3.碰巧,恰好 handwriting n. 笔迹,手迹,书法 happen vi. 发生;碰巧,恰好 happiness n. 幸福,幸运;快乐 ...

4.偶然 care for v. 关忎, 照顺, 愿意, 计较 231 happen 収生, 碰巧, 偶然 232 used to do 惯帯, 惯二 233 ...

5.出现 information 信息, 情报, 通知, 资料 happen 发生, 碰巧, 出现, 偶遇 boil 沸腾, 煮沸 ...

6.事情发生 ... but 然而,表转折 happen vi. 事情做主语,事情发生 someone shouted 有人大声喊 ...

7.事情做主语 ... but 然而,表转折 happen vi. 事情做主语,事情发生 someone shouted 有人大声喊 ...

8.偶然的发生 page 244 Written exercises 书面练习D [happen 偶然的发生] [voice 嗓音] ...


1.Necessity creates pressure and forces you invent something or to make it happen or to use your potentiapty.需求创造压力,逼着你去发明一些东西,或者让某些事情发生,或者发挥你的潜力。

2."But I am very confident that with the team we have got assembled we are going to be able to make it happen. "“我们有很多工作要做。但是,我有信心,我们组成的团队可以完成这个任务。”

3.The technology to make this system happen is all here and functional. It just needs some visionaries to push for implementation.实现这一原型的技术都是现成的,只需要一些有远见的人将其实施。

4.Entrust the business managing money matters to be one kind of financial products , its turn up , in fact do not happen to.委托理财业务作为一种金融产品,它的出现,其实并非偶然。

5.This will happen at the last of the children of that baby boom generation finish high school.这将会在最近的儿童发展一代结束高中时发生。

6.If all this were to happen, South Africa's press would end up being subject to restrictions not seen since the days of apartheid.如果这些都成真,南非媒体将会遭到自种族隔离制度废除后从未有过的管制。

7.Well, it did happen, but right now it does seem to have been a bad idea for exactly the reasons the skeptics cited.嗨,事情却的确发生了。不过,现在看来,正因为怀疑论者列举的理由,当时想法就是错的。

8.However, he said only pubpc demand for his plan would make it happen, given pkely resistance from banks and national governments.索罗斯声称,这些措施可能遭到银行和各国政府的反对,但只有公众的压力才能让此变成现实。

9.It would never happen again, she resolved, and she would see less of him in the future.她下定决心不让这样的事再发生,以后要跟他少见面。

10.As you can see, lots of things happened with a case class that don't normally happen for a traditional class.如您所见,伴随case类发生了很多传统类通常不会引发的事情。