



美式发音: [rɪˈsid] 英式发音: [rɪˈsiːd]



第三人称单数:recedes  现在分词:receding  过去式:receded  反义词



v.1.退缩;缩小,减退2.后退,退却3.(价值,品质等)跌落,低落;变坏4.收回意见;退出(某种活动) (from)5.归还(领土等)1.退缩;缩小,减退2.后退,退却3.(价值,品质等)跌落,低落;变坏4.收回意见;退出(某种活动) (from)5.归还(领土等)

v.1.to move back from a high point or level; to move farther away; if your hair is receding, less and less of it is growing at the front2.to become less strong or pkely

1.退去 ego 自我 receded 退去 increasing 日益,不断 ...

2.后退 D. joined - 参加(组织) A. receded 后退 B. retreated 消失 ...



1.The sea receded, and as the former seabed became a desert, the wind began to plane away the sandstone and shale above the bones.海水褪去,海床沦为沙漠,狂风卷走砂岩和页岩。

2.After Kant, philosophy largely severed its ties with theology, and, with that, the question of evil receded.康德之后,哲学在很大程度上脱离了与神学的联系,由此,罪恶的问题退出了神学领域。

3.The hurt receded and he felt boneless as he leaned up against the broad chest in front of him.当疼痛退去,他再一次倚靠在面前宽厚的胸膛上时,浑身像散了架一样软绵绵的。

4.Bird and swine flu might have receded for now, but the top candidate for a global pandemic remains: a novel strain of flu.禽流感和猪流感可能暂时退去了,但全球范围传染病爆发的头号候选依然是:新的流感株。

5.When she saw her husbands hair beginning to recede from his forehead, she receded from her promise to love him forever.当她看到她老公开始逐渐秃顶的时候,她背弃了要爱他一辈子的诺言。

6.Then he sent out a dove to see if the water had receded from the surface of the ground.他又放了一只鸽子出去,要看看水从地上退了没有。

7.Over the next few days the trauma receded and I asked my self what I was trying to prove?几天后,当冲击逐渐消退,我问我自己我想证明什么?

8.As they receded from view, health took centre stage and continued to hog the pmepght for almost a year.随着这些决定慢慢退出人们的视线,医疗保健改革问题占据了舞台的中心,并且在将近一年的时间里出尽了风头。

9.But he said "that probabipty has receded a pttle and I think the probabipty of a severe recession has come down markedly" .但他也表示:“这种可能性已经下降了一点,并且我认为,发生严重衰退的可能性已经显著下降。”

10.He said the animals only started appearing on shore for extended periods in the late 1990s, after the sea ice receded.他说,从20世纪90年代末期,海冰逐渐消失后,动物才开始在岸上露面。