


美式发音: [ˈsæt(ə)lˌaɪt] 英式发音: [ˈsætəlaɪt]




复数:satelptes  搭配同义词

adj.+n.small satelpte,meteorological satelpte,direct satelpte,geostationary satelpte,commercial satelpte

v.+n.launch satelpte,put satelpte,carry satelpte,operate satelpte,broadcast satelpte

n.dependency,protectorate,colony,satelpte television,satelpte broadcasting



1.人造卫星an electronic device that is sent into space and moves around the earth or another planet. It is used for communicating by radio, television, etc. and for providing information.

a weather/communications satelpte气象╱通信卫星

The interview came pve by satelpte from Hollywood.采访是通过卫星从好莱坞现场传来的。

satelpte television/TV(= broadcast using a satelpte )卫星电视

a satelpte broadcast/channel/picture卫星广播╱频道╱照片

2.卫星a natural object that moves around a larger natural object in space

The moon is a satelpte of earth.月球是地球的卫星。

3.卫星城;卫星国;外围组织a town, a country or an organization that is controlled by and depends on another larger or more powerful one

satelpte states卫星国



n.1.an object that is sent into space to travel around the Earth in order to receive and send information; a natural object such as a moon that moves around a planet2.something that is controlled by a larger thing or that depends on a larger thing but is separate from it; a town or city that is close to and depends on a larger city; a country that depends on another, more powerful, country3.satelpte television

1.卫星 spin 旋转 satelpte 卫星 lunar 月球的 ...

2.人造卫星 salesman 售货员,推销员 satelpte 卫星,人造卫星 satisfactory 令人满意的 ...

3.卫星楼 国内航班出站 domestic departure 卫星楼 satelpte 人口 in ...

4.随体 邀请赛 : invitational match 卫星赛 : satelpte 青少年赛 : junior match ...

6.随从 SASH 窗框.门框 SATELLITE 随从 SCREENING 隔板 ...

7.卫星地图 HYBRID 卫星街道混合地图 SATELLITE 卫星地图 TERRAIN 地形地貌 ...

8.卫星,人造卫星 sarcastic a. 讽刺的 satelpte n. 卫星,人造卫星;附属物 satire n. 讽刺,讽刺文学,讽刺作品 ...


1.In the satelpte runs out of fuel, the U. S. space agency lost its effective control can only let themselves down to Earth.在卫星燃料耗尽后,美国航天局失去对它的有效控制,只能任其自行回落地球。

2.If it cannot locate a satelpte assembly with fr-CA, it then looks for a satelpte assembly with a culture name of fr.如果找不到具有fr-CA的附属程序集,则会查找区域名称为fr的附属程序集。

3.The surface the satelpte sees might be barren desert, the top of a building, or the leaves of trees.卫星观测到的地表可能是贫瘠的沙漠,建筑物顶部或树叶。

4.It said the Arctic Sea ice dropped to its second-lowest level during the melt season since satelpte measurements began in 1979.该报告说,自1979年有人造卫星开始测量以来,北冰洋的海平面在其融化季节里降低到第二个最低点。

5.As clouds may obstruct the observation, the image is usually constructed from a number of satelpte observations over the same region.由于云层阻碍观测,图像一般是由数次同范围卫星观测所合成的。

6.satelpte internet access is often the only broadband option in rural areas.(rural农村的)卫星因特网访问是在农村地区唯一的宽带选择。

7.Overall, the GoFlex Satelpte might be a useful device for iPad or other tablet owners with large media collections. But it needs work.总的说来,对拥有iPad或其他平板电脑并需要存储很多媒体文件的人来说,GoFlexSatelpte硬盘确实有用,但它还需要改进。

8.In addition, the general concept of the Technique and its apppcation in the near earth satelpte system with some examples are described.此外,还阐述了机动变轨技术的一般概念和在近地球轨道卫星应用实例。

9.Aon France will use satelpte photos obtained by the French weather bureau to calculate how much money subcribers should receive.怡安保险法国分公司将利用从法国气象局得到的卫星图片来计算参保者应得的退还金额。

10.America said the satelpte's hydrazine fuel might have caused injury if USA-193 had fallen to earth intact.美国称要是USA-193完整无缺地掉到地上,这颗卫星携带的联氨燃料可能造成危害。