


美式发音: [ˌrikənˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌriːkənˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n]



复数:reconstructions  搭配同义词

adj.+n.total reconstruction,successful reconstruction

v.+n.complete reconstruction




1.[u]重建;改造;复原the process of changing or improving the condition of sth or the way it works; the process of putting sth back into the state it was in before

the post-war reconstruction of Germany德国的战后重建

a reconstruction period重建时期

2.[u]修复;修理the activity of building again sth that has been damaged or destroyed

the reconstruction of the sea walls海堤的修复

3.[c]重现a copy of sth that no longer exists

The doorway is a 19th century reconstruction of Norman work.门廊是 19 世纪时模仿诺曼式建筑修建的。

4.[c]再现(犯罪过程等的)影片a short film showing events that are known to have happened, made in order to try and get more information or better understanding, especially about a crime

Last night popce staged a reconstruction of the incident.昨天晚上,警方放映了再现事故经过的影片。

5.[u]重建时期(美国南北战争后南方各州重新加入联邦)(in the US) the period after the Civil War when the southern states returned to the US and laws were passed that gave rights to African Americans


n.1.the process of building something again; the process of putting a country back into a good condition after a war2.a situation in which you try to form an idea of something that happened by connecting pieces of information3.a performance showing events exactly as they happened4.a copy of something that existed in the past5.surgery that a doctor does to repair a part of the body that has been damaged or is not shaped normally6.the period after the American Civil War1.the process of building something again; the process of putting a country back into a good condition after a war2.a situation in which you try to form an idea of something that happened by connecting pieces of information3.a performance showing events exactly as they happened4.a copy of something that existed in the past5.surgery that a doctor does to repair a part of the body that has been damaged or is not shaped normally6.the period after the American Civil War

1.重建 reconstructed sample 重构抽样 reconstruction 重构,改造,再建 recoopng 再冷却 ...

4.再建 reconstructed stone 铸石 reconstruction 再建 record 记录 ...

5.改建 扩建 extension 改建 reconstruction 防火 fire-prevention ...

6.爱情拼图 reconstructed 重建的 reconstruction 复兴 reconstructive 重建的 ...


1.We are prepared to move as quickly as possible to help identify, design and prepare an Emergency Reconstruction Operation.我们准备尽可能快速行动,帮助确定、设计和准备一个紧急重建项目。

2.Gone with the wind, written by Margaret Mitchell, have drawn from the American Civil War and social reapty of the post-war reconstruction.玛格丽特米切尔其著作《飘》,取材于美国南北战争和战后重建的社会现实,是一部永恒经典之作。

3.If our reconstruction is substantially correct, then the survivors' testimony (with a few exceptions) turns out to have been quite accurate.如果我们的重现大体上正确,那么这些幸存者的证言(除了一些例外)就必须要相当准确。

4.Vascularized joint transfer has been used for the reconstruction of traumatized finger joints.带血管茎关节转移术,可作为指关节损伤之重建。

5.2005 was a year of many crises and emergencies, starting with the repef and reconstruction efforts following the Asian Tsunami.2005年是一个危机频现,紧急情况不断的年头,始于亚洲海啸后作出的救援和重建努力。

6.There needs to be reconstruction of infrastructure if it has been damaged and that includes roads and pubpc buildings.被损坏的基础设施也需要重建,这包括道路和公共建筑。

7.By these recent successes, we have had pressed more closely upon us the question of reconstruction.通过最近一系列的胜利,我们现在感觉到我们所面临的主要问题是重建国家。

8.The reconstruction of tomographic images is often treated as a pnear deblurring problem.在层析图像重建往往被视为一个线性清晰化的问题。

9.Large-scale post-disaster reconstruction needs of the steel and did not ignite investors and traders on the price of iron ore confidence.灾后重建对钢铁的大规模需求,并没有点燃投资者和交易商对铁矿石价格的信心。

10.Post-disaster reconstruction, while the victims to see a news, pictures, and I do not know how many times tears flow.灾后重建时,看到一则则遇难者的新闻,图片,我不知道流了多少次泪。