

red deer

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1.马鹿;赤鹿a deer with large antlers ( = horns shaped pke branches), which has a reddish-brown coat in summer


n.1.a large deer that has spreading antlers and a reddish-brown summer coat.

1.雷德迪尔 卡尔加里市 Calgary 雷德迪尔 red-deer 穆斯乔 Moose Jaw ...


3.红鹿天气预报红鹿天气预报(red-deer)加入收藏夹 转发天气: 加拿大其他城市天气: 埃德蒙顿天气 安提格尼斯天气 奥克维尔天气 更多收起后…


1.Iphigenia was placed before the goddess' altar but Artemis took her away at the last minute, putting a red deer in her place.伊菲革涅亚被摆到了女神祭坛上。但是阿耳特弥斯在最后关头将她带走了,并将一只鹿放到她的位置上。

2.As we approached the corner where the brook trickles under the wire fence, we noticed a red deer getting to her feet.当我们来到一个地方,那里的小溪缓缓流过铁丝网,我们发现一只跪着的红鹿。

3.Here the dense forests of red deer will often come and go, Yuguotianqing, large trees will be drilled as you pick mushrooms .这里的密林间经常会有马鹿出没,雨过天晴之后,树下会钻出大片蘑菇任你采摘。

4.China red deer may have originated in Europe, for gene exchange is found in different populations.中国马鹿可能起源于欧洲;部分马鹿群体间存在基因交流情况。

5.Red Deer Valley in the spectacular Badlands of Canada shows an abundance of dinosaur fossils below a mysterious thin layer of rock.雷德迪尔峡谷的壮观荒地表明加拿大的丰富的恐龙化石的下面一层神秘的薄薄的岩石。

6.Based on the estrus synchronization and its detection, in the research Red Deer was subjected to artificial insemination.本研究在同期发情和发情鉴定的基础上,对母鹿进行人工输精。

7.herds of red deer and cows. They crossed tacit frontiers, both urban and rural, coming from mountain and dale.它们从山上和溪谷中过来,穿过默认的边界,无论是城市还是乡村的。

8.A two-year-old red deer with its first horns.两岁的带有刚长出角的赤鹿

9.By the early 2000s, red deer were the most common deer in the wild.到2000年初,马鹿是在野外最常见的鹿。

10.A city of south-central Alberta , Canada, on the Red Deer River north of Calgary.红云加拿大阿尔伯达省中南部城市,临卡尔加里北部里德迪尔河。