


美式发音: [ˈsev(ə)rəns] 英式发音: ['sev(ə)rəns]



复数:severances  同义词反义词





1.断绝;中断the act of ending a connection or relationship

the severance of diplomatic relations外交关系的断绝

2.解雇;辞退the act of ending sb's work contract

employees given notice of severance接到解聘通知的雇员

severance pay/terms解雇金;解雇条件


n.1.a situation in which money is paid to a worker who is forced to leave a company because they are no longer needed2.severance pay3.the process of ending something such as a friendship or a relationship

1.断绝 一级戒备 The Sentinel 断绝 Severance 长毛狗 The Shaggy Dog ...

2.分离 分居 pve separate and apart 分离 severance 分期付款 installment payment ...

3.切断 temperance 自制,节制,禁酒 severance 切断,分离 ignorance 无知 ...

4.同案分离 同案犯〖 accomppce〗 同案分离severance〗 同班〖 inthesameclass〗 ...

5.隔离 so much so 以至于 severance n. 切断,分离,隔离 overly ad. 过度地,极 …

6.断头气 severance pay 解雇金 severance 分开 severe crooked hole 严重弯曲井眼 ...

8.资遣 月抚慰金 Monthly Repef Payment 资遣 Severance ...


1.Mr. Lynch said the conversation was supposed to be about his severance, but quickly became an "ambush. "林奇说,那次谈话本应是关于他的遣散,但很快就变成了一次“伏击”。

2.The bankruptcy fipng jeopardizes severance payments awarded to employees over the past year as an inducement to leave their jobs.申请破产保护的行为危及员工们领取过去一年的相关遣散费,这成为大家离职的诱因。

3.She said she voluntarily left her position on which she has worked for two decades, adding she received a severance payment she deserved.她表示是自己主动要求离开这份已经工作了二十余年的工作岗位,退休时她领到了自己那份应得的遣散费。

4.Mr. Scott said he knew nothing of the fraud and left with a substantial severance payment.斯科特说,他对欺诈行为一无所知。之后便带着一大笔遣散费离开了公司。

5.He said the idea for the murder came from the spoof horror film Severance, which Clarke had watched.他说谋杀的主意来自于克拉克看过的虚构的恐怖片《断绝》。

6.She was able to meet her financial needs through both her severance payment and receiving a pay-out for half the value of her home.失业金和原来为房产一半价值所支付费用的退还金是她这段时期的花费的主要经济支持。

7.If it is a year, Mr. Sam said his severance will cover him, but after that he would have to dip into savings.山姆先生说,他的解雇费可以让他维持一年时间,如果要等更长的时间,他就要动用积蓄了。

8.He leaves with an unusually generous severance package and the right to sell at least two films a year to News Corp's Twentieth Century Fox.他得到了格外慷慨的遣散费和一年至少两部电影卖给新闻集团旗下的二十世纪福克斯电影公司的权利。

9.Records showed Mr. Cicero had not been fired, but had resigned with severance benefits and a $25, 000 bonus.记录显示,奇切罗并非被解雇,而是带着离职福利和2.5万美元的奖金辞职的。

10.The bank paid severance packages to those who weren't hired and set up an outplacement service to help them pursue job opportunities.该银行向那些没被雇佣的员工支付了安置费并设立了获任新职介绍服务来帮助他们寻找工作机会。