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1.他玛 会展 Exhibition 添马 Tamar 罗湖 Lo Wu ...


5.塔玛河是塔岛的第2大城,人口也不过10万多人,湛蓝无波的塔玛河(Tamar)潺潺环绕,而且周边1小时车程之内,有各种农场、酒 …

6.塔马城所罗门设防的沙漠城市。《列王纪上》记载,所罗门在「塔马城」(Tamar)设防,塔马被认为是塔德莫在传统希伯来读音中 …

7.塔马尔海上气田3月30日,以色列塔马尔海上气田Tamar)投产出气,预示着以色列离“能源独立”的宏伟目标又近了一步。该气田发现于2009 …


1.And unto Absalom there were born three sons, and one daughter, whose name was Tamar: she was a woman of a fair countenance.押沙龙生了三个儿子,一个女儿。女儿名叫他玛,是个容貌俊美的女子。

2.Through the offspring the LORD gives you by this young woman, may your family be pke that of Perez, whom Tamar bore to Judah.愿耶和华从这少年女子赐你后裔,使你的家像他玛,从犹大所生法勒斯的家一般。

3.Desolate as she was, Tamar stayed in her brother Absalom's house.塔玛尔从此就忧闷不乐,住在她哥哥阿贝沙隆家里。

4.This concession did not occur without bitter protest from the Duke of Tamar, who bepeved all those worlds belonged to the Tamar Pact.发生这种让步不会不引起Tamar公爵的激烈抗议。他坚信所有那些星球属于Tamar协约国。

5.And it was told to Tamar, saying, Your father-in-law is now going up to Timnah to shear his sheep.有人告诉他玛说,你的公公上亭拿剪羊毛去了。

6.Now Absalom, David's son, had a beautiful sister, whose name was Tamar. And after a time Amnon, David's son, loved her.大卫的儿子押沙龙有一个美貌的妹子,名叫他玛。大卫的儿子暗嫩爱他。

7.Indeed, Tamar should supply all Israel's domestic gas needs, both for industry and household consumers, for at least 20 years.确实,塔马尔油井可以满足以色列国内20年间全部的天然气所需,包括工业消耗和家庭消费。

8.Subsequent to the meeting, the Director of Administration provided further information about the Tamar development project .行政署长于会议后就添马舰发展工程提供进一步的资料。

9.All these were the sons of David, besides his sons by his concubines. And Tamar was their sister. The Kings of Judah.这都是大卫的儿子,还有他们的妹子他玛,妃嫔的儿子不在其内。

10.The Israeps point out that Tamar and Leviathan (see map) are anyway well south of the pne that Lebanon claims as the correct maritime one.以色列则指出塔马尔和海中怪兽(见地图)无论以何种角度都是向南呈一线,跟黎巴嫩宣称的海岸线距离甚远。