



美式发音: [ˌridɪˈplɔɪ] 英式发音: [ˌriːdɪˈplɔɪ]



第三人称单数:redeploys  现在分词:redeploying  过去式:redeployed  同义词




v.1.to move someone or something to a different place or a different job

1.后撤军事部署会主席范士丹办公室17日重申,中国官员所说的有意「后撤军事部署」(redeployed)是「过去式」,而这个提议现在已不在台 …


1.The script must be regenerated every time an EJB is redeployed, or the columns might end up in the wrong order.必须在每次部署EJB时生成该脚本,否则列顺序可能会出错。

2.You have now created the final security. war file, ready to be redeployed on Geronimo.现在创建了最终的security.war文件,可以重新部署在Geronimo上了。

3.The redeployed American forces might be too small to deal with terrorism or prevent a regional conflagration.重新布署美军在应对恐怖主义或防止地区冲突方面不会发挥任何作用。

4.Corruption scandals forced out two of his ministers, with a third redeployed.腐败丑闻迫使他的两位部长下台,还有一位被调离。

5.But the visual areas of the brain, even in someone born bpnd, do not entirely disappear; instead, they are redeployed for other senses.即使有些人天生失明,但他们大脑的视觉区域不会消失。取而代之,大脑会重新调动其他感官。

6.The moment the JSP is saved, the entire project gets redeployed to the Tomcat server automatically.此JSP一旦保存,整个项目就会自动重新部署到Tomcat服务器。

7.If the service is redeployed to a different server, the service requester can use UDDI to find the new location and cache it for future use.如果服务重新部署到不同的服务器当中,服务请求者能够使用UDDI发现新的位置并将它缓存以备将来使用。

8.When your VeniceBridge. ear file has been updated with your connector JAR, it should be redeployed to your apppcation server.用自己的连接器JAR更新了VeniceBridge.ear文件之后,应该将它重新部署到应用服务器中。

9.Often times this data needs to be preserved and so would not be redeployed in a new version.该数据通常需要保存,因此不会在新版本中重新部署。

10.British forces have been redeployed to other parts of Helmand Province from Sangin, where over 200 British soldiers died.英军已经从桑金(超过200名英国士兵在那里阵亡)被重新调派到赫尔曼德省的其它区域。