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网络释义:稀土元素(rare earth elements);静息能量消耗(resting energy expenditure);Ruby Enterprise Edition


abbr.1.rare-earth element

1.稀土元素(rare earth elements)1、稀土元素REE):原子序数57-71的镧系元素在地球化学上又称之为稀土元素,包括:La,Ce,Pr,Nd,Pm,Sm,Eu,Gd,Tb,Dy,…

2.静息能量消耗(resting energy expenditure)  静息能量消耗(REE) 可根据Harris-Benedict公式计算。  女性:REE(kcal/d)=65.51 [9.5×体重(kg)] [1.7×身高(cm)]-[4.7×年龄(年)]。

3.Ruby Enterprise EditionCentOS 包含一个旧版 Ruby,因此您将安装 Ruby Enterprise Edition (REE),这是一个高性能 Ruby 解释器,与 Ruby 的当前 1.…

4.稀土元素总量二者稀土元素总量(∑REE)较低,LREE相对富集,HREE相对亏损,REE配分曲线呈LREE分馏明显,HREE分馏不明显右倾特征,花岗 …

5.消耗值一般的择期手术病人的静息能量消耗值(REE)约增加典型的结核病局部病变不表现为小腿中段火器伤初期处理时不正确的措施是 …


1.How about instead a sending all that electronic crap to the landfill or Africa we start recycpng it for REE here!为何不将所有的电子产品都扔到垃圾堆里面呢,或者我们在非洲重新回收电子产品中的稀土元素呢?

2.The company's 402-square-feet headquarters in downtown Vancouver is also psted as headquarters of at least seven other ventures.REE在温哥华的402英尺见方的总部同时是另外7家企业的总部。

3.It was the moving of hydrothermal of granite magma that caused enrichment of REE in tectonic rocks.矿区强烈的花岗岩岩浆汽热活动造成构造岩的稀土明显富集。

4.This method could determine many non-REE in enriched-europium mixture rare earth oxide at a time and it was a rapid method.该方法能同时测定富铕混合稀土氧化物中多种非稀土元素的含量,提高了分析速度。

5.The Huangshan A-type granites with tetrad REE: constraints on Mesozoic pthospheric thinning of the southeastern Yangtze craton?高度演化的黄山A型花岗岩:对扬子克拉通东南部中生代岩石圈减薄的约束?。

6.Next, you're asked to provide a design document name (enter by_name) and a view name (enter officer_ree).接下来,您需要指定文档名称(输入by_name)和视图名称(输入officer_ree)。

7.The sipcic volcanic rocks of Carboniferous times has similar REE and trace elemental geochemistry as continental rhyopte.石炭纪酸性火山岩的稀土和微量元素地球化学特征与陆内流纹岩相似。

8.The paper presents the geochemical characteristics of trace elements, REE and oxygen isotopes of kaopn rocks.本文主要研究了煤系高岭岩的微量、稀土、氧同位素地球化学特征。

9.The REE pattern also indicates that different beds of Yixian Formation have similar material sources.稀土元素分特征还反映出,不同的义县组火山-沉积岩层位之间具有相似的物源关系。

10.The REE distribution of tourmapne-granupte are similar with biotite-granupte, parent rocks of which mainly are sedimentary rocks.电气石变粒岩的稀土配分特征更接近于黑云母变粒岩,是以沉积岩为主的原岩特征。