


网络释义:马木尔;工业区(industrial zone);免疫区(Immunity Zone)


1.马木尔 20:30-21:00 面孔 21:20-22:00 Subs 22:20-23:00 马木尔& IZ 唐舞台 TANG STAGE ...

2.工业区(industrial zone) MA 甲地孕酮 IZ 工业区 BM 英国女王玛丽一世的别名 ...

3.免疫区(Immunity Zone)心), 不然不如无装甲(nothing, APC弹头引信不会被击发, 弹要穿过造成较小损害). 因此进而增进理论上重要部位的IZ(Immunity

4.载流量 KOSOVO 科索沃 IZ 乐队河现场 PAUL SIMON 非洲 ...


1.oya , This comb seemed very valuable, Mother is trying to poison ['p? iz? n]me?公主:【继续翻篮子】:“哦呀,这个梳子貌似很值钱啊,母后是想毒死我吗?”

2.Today the music of IZ is darker, graver. It finds its way into the deepest corners of your soul.现在IZ乐队的音乐变得更加黑暗深沉,直指人的灵魂深处。

3."A motorbike is a luxury for a poor workers pke me, " said Hoa, who works in the Amata IZ near Bien Hoa City.“摩托车对像我这样的穷工人来说是奢侈品”,边和市(BienHoa,同奈省首府,紧邻胡志明市,是个南方工业城市)Amata工业区工作的阿花说。

4.By 5. 30 pm, after a hard day of work, the small room of the newly-married couple near the Binh Duong IZ was full of laughter.经过一天的劳作,下午五点半左右,平阳工业区附近这对新婚夫妇的小屋里充满了欢声笑语。

5.In Kazakh language, IZ means "footprint" , a symbol that the band is probing and reflecting on the tradition.“IZ”在哈萨克语中意为“脚印”,它象征着乐队对于传统的探究与反思。

6.Many of the IZ workers in industrial zones study in their spare time, hoping to escape from the "worker's pfe. "工业区里的许多工人在业余时间学习,希望能逃离“工人生活”。

7.you know what the midwest iz?你知道中西部么?

8.Ze Warden iz calpng for you.监狱长在叫你。

9.In recent years, IZ has found increasing opportunities to play internationally.近年来,IZ在国际舞台上的活动越来越多。

10.anyway this iz my hair stypst's second daughter ! !这是我的发型设计师的第二个女儿!!