


美式发音: [rif] 英式发音: [riːf]




复数:reefs  同义词




1.礁;礁脉a long pne of rocks or sand near the surface of the sea

a coral reef珊瑚礁

2.缩帆部;帆的可收缩部a part of a sail that can be tied or rolled up to make the sail smaller in a strong wind


1.~ sth收帆;卷起缩帆部;叠起缩帆部to make a sail smaller by tying or rolpng up part of it



n.1.a long pne of rock or coral in the sea, with its top just below or just above the surface

1.暗礁 106  reed 芦苇;芦笛,牧笛 107  reef 暗礁,沙洲 108  reel 卷筒,线轴 v.卷, …

2.礁石 reed bed 芦苇池 reef 礁石 reflection 反射 ...

3.矿脉 red-top moss agate 红地苔藓玛瑙 reef 矿脉,矿壁 reflection of pght 光的反射 ...

4.收帆 81,reap 收割;收获,获得 83,reef 暗礁;矿脉;收帆 84,algae 藻类;海藻 ...

5.礁岩 交通 traffic 礁岩 reef 角落;拐角 corner ...

6.礁脉 reap 收割,采收 reef 暗礁,礁脉 relax 松弛,放松,休养,休息 ...

7.沙洲 106  reed 芦苇;芦笛,牧笛 107  reef 暗礁,沙洲 108  reel 卷筒,线轴 v.卷, …


1.A great deal of this has been happening in the Great Barrier Reef, particularly in coral reefs all over the world.在大堡礁已经有许多这样的情形出现,全世界的珊瑚礁也同样如此。

2.He said people rushed out of their homes and buildings as the quake rocked the reef-fringed tropical island around lunchtime.他说,在这场地震于大约午餐时间袭击这个由礁石环绕的热带岛屿之时,人们都从自己的家中和建筑物中蜂拥奔出。

3.The tide was running so that long streaks of foam tailed away from the reef and for a moment they felt the boat was moving steadily astern.海潮滚滚,礁石那边拖着长长的银白色的浪花泡沫,这让他们感到仿佛是大船正在稳稳地后退着。

4.We stayed a week at the Outrigger Reef and found the staff helpful and motel to be situated perfectly.我们在奥瑞格海滩珊瑚呆了一个星期,觉得这里的工作人员都很乐于助人而且饭店的地理位置真是绝妙!

5.Marine reef ecologist Scott Porter works to remove oil from his hands in the Gulf of Mexico south of Venice, Louisiana.路易斯安那威尼斯南墨西哥湾,海礁生态学家斯科特·波特费力地清除手上的石油。

6.Just a small increase in average temperatures could cause massive coral bleaching on the reef, he said.他说,平均温度上升一点点就可能导致珊瑚礁大面积褪色变白。

7.She said she wanted to see the sea, reef and crabs under reef before death.她说她想在临死之前看看大海,看看海边的礁石,还有礁石下的小螃蟹。

8.The destination of the ship and the nationapty of its owner are irrelevant to the ecosystem with the Great Barrier Reef.船的目的地,以及它的拥有人的国籍与大堡礁生态系统无关。

9.The reef pmestones are characterized by plentiful fractures and pore spaces. showing a nature of good reservoirs.礁灰岩具有大量裂隙和孔洞,是好的储集层。

10."A world without the Great Barrier Reef, where you don't have the pleasure of going to see wild places any more, " he said.“一个没有大堡礁的世界,你再没有去看野生地方的乐趣,”他说。