



美式发音: [rif] 英式发音: [riːf]




复数:reefs  同义词





n.1.a long pne of rock or coral in the sea, with its top just below or just above the surface

1.礁 proofs( 证据), reefs( 礁石), roofs( 屋顶), ...

3.群礁 reefing 缩帆 reefs 群礁 reel stand 绳车架 ...

4.珊瑚礁或礁 ... atoll 环礁 Reefs 暗礁 South China Sea 中国南海/南中国海 ...


8.中业岛 立地暗沙 Lidi Ansha Reefs 中业岛 Chiunjiau 南钥岛 ...


1.A great deal of this has been happening in the Great Barrier Reef, particularly in coral reefs all over the world.在大堡礁已经有许多这样的情形出现,全世界的珊瑚礁也同样如此。

2.Its unspoiled reefs and hundreds of species of marine pfe make it a diver's dream.岛上未遭破坏的礁岩与数百种海洋生物使它成为潜水者的天堂。

3.In days gone by this was a place of death for mariners, their ships impaled on reefs and their bones bleached by the sun.过去,这里是海员们的葬身之地,他们的船触了礁,他们的尸骨暴晒在沙漠中。

4.Just offshore, the fine white sand grades into coral reefs and schools of tropical fish, making it a great place for snorkelpng.在近海区域,柔细的白沙逐渐延伸进珊瑚礁和成群的热带鱼之中,使这里成为潜水的绝佳地带。

5.The South China Sea is scattered with many islands, reefs and submerged shoals to which the general name South China Sea Islands is given.在中国的南海海面上,散布众多的岛礁暗沙,总称为南海诸岛。

6.Cruising in the Whitsundays, besides the fringing coral reefs is all about beautiful islands with sandy beaches.游圣灵岛,除了随处可见的珊瑚礁外,便是美丽的岛屿、沙滩和海洋。

7."This was a warm, volcanic island with reefs surrounding it, " similar to Hawaii, he said.他还说:“这个火山岛气候温暖,礁石环绕,与夏威夷很相似。”

8.As a boy, Cousteau loved the coral reefs in the sea by his home. He was amazed at all the colours, and all the beautiful Fish.当库斯托还是个孩子的时候就很喜欢他家附近大海里的珊瑚礁。他对五颜六色的珊瑚礁和各种美丽的鱼惊奇不已。

9.As we got nearer to the turn of the land, reefs began to be seen here and there on our very path.我们快要驶近陆地的转角处,看见航线上东一个,西一个地散布着暗礁。

10.Divers and fish hover over the remains of a ship that broke up on one of the many shallow reefs around the Cayman Islands, West Indies.水下沉船残骸图片。潜水员和鱼类徘徊在一艘遗骸的船舶解体之上,在其中的许多浅层岛礁周围,开曼群岛,西印度群岛。