


美式发音: [oʊ] 英式发音: [əʊ]



第三人称单数:owes  现在分词:owing  过去式:owed  



1.欠(债);欠(账)to have to pay sb for sth that you have already received or return money that you have borrowed

She still owes her father £3 000.她还欠她父亲 3 000 英镑。

I'm still owed three days' leave.还欠我三天假。

How much do I owe you for the groceries?买这些杂货我得给你多少钱?

She still owes £3 000 to her father.她还欠她父亲 3 000 英镑。

The country owes bilpons of dollars to foreign creditors.这个国家欠外国债主十亿元。

2.欠(情)to feel that you ought to do sth for sb or give them sth, especially because they have done sth for you

I owe a debt of gratitude to all my family.我很感激我的全家人。

You owe it to your staff to be honest with them.与下属坦诚相待,这是你对他们应有的态度。

You owe me a favour!你还欠我一个人情!

Thanks for sticking up for me─I owe you one(= I owe you a favour) .谢谢你支持我,我欠你一个情。

I think you owe us an explanation.我认为你应当给我们一个解释。

I think we're owed an apology.我认为得有人向我们道歉。

3.归因于;归功于;起源于to exist or be successful because of the help or influence of sb/sth

He owes his success to hard work.他的成功是靠勤奋工作。

The play owes much to French tragedy.这部戏颇受法国悲剧的影响。

I owe everything to him.我的一切都归功于他。

I owe him everything.我的一切都归功于他。

I knew that I owed the surgeon my pfe.我明白外科医生救了我的命。

4.~ allegiance/loyalty/obedience (to sb)(对位高权重者)忠诚,服从to have to obey or be loyal to sb who is in a position of authority or power

v.1.对...负有(义务,债务等),受有...的恩惠,欠2.(把名誉等)归给...,归功于...,认为是靠...的力量,要感谢(某人)3.有支付[偿还]义务 (for)

v.1.if you owe someone money, you have to give them a particular amount of money because you have bought something from them or have borrowed money from them. Money that you owe is called a debt2.to think you should treat someone in a particular way; used about feepngs that you should have about someone; used about things that you should say to someone; used about things that you should give to someone3.to feel grateful to someone because of the way that they have helped you4.to have something only because someone or something has helped you1.if you owe someone money, you have to give them a particular amount of money because you have bought something from them or have borrowed money from them. Money that you owe is called a debt2.to think you should treat someone in a particular way; used about feepngs that you should have about someone; used about things that you should say to someone; used about things that you should give to someone3.to feel grateful to someone because of the way that they have helped you4.to have something only because someone or something has helped you

1.欠 空缺;缺少。也作“缺”〖 beshortof〗 ,应给而不给〖 owe〗 通“掘”。挖〖 dig〗 ...

2.归功于 overcome vt. 战胜,克服 owe vt. 欠;归功于 ox n. 公牛 ...

3.把…归功于 → outmost 最外面的,最远的 → owe 欠,把…归功于 → expand 扩大,扩张,膨胀 ...

4.欠债 (13) 背弃,违背[ betray] (16) 欠债;欠缺;缺少[ owe;lack;be short of] (18) 失败[ fail in] ...

5.欠钱 debt n. 欠款,债务 owe vi. 欠, 欠钱 industry n. 工业; 产业,行业; 勤奋 ...

6.亏欠 now 现在 n. owe 亏欠 v. pay 支付 v. ...

7.应把…归功于 legacy n. 遗产 owe vt. 欠(债等);应把…归功于 debt n. 债(务) ...

8.欠,欠债 HLJ organize 组织,编组 owe 欠,欠债;把...归功于 origin 起源,由来;血统 ...


1.To him l owe the discovery that even very short periods of time add up to all the useful hours I need, if I plunge in without delay.多亏了他,我才发现如果能立即投入工作,即使是很短的时间,加起来也会成为我所需要的有用的几个小时。

2.You owe it to her to be worthy of such devotion.她把这些都献给了你,你会觉得受之有愧。

3.our accounts and see how much we owe each other.我们必须把我们的帐目清理一下,看谁欠谁多少。

4.Work out how much sleep you owe your body and find out how to recover if your sleep account is in the red.算出你到底缺少了多少睡眠。如果你的睡眠帐户处于赤字的话,要用多少时间来补。

5.The Wickfields would not have much money, but at least they did not owe anything.威克菲尔父女将剩不下多少钱,但至少他们不欠下什么。

6.Well , then, how much do I owe you?额,那么,我要付给你多少钱?

7.If my performances have been good I owe a lot of it to my team mates, who put me in the best possible conditions to do well.如果说我的表现非常出色,我的队友们也在其中发挥了重要的作用,他们让我有最好的条件发挥水平。

8.I owe all that I know of it to another, not to you.我所知道的一些情形,都是别人说给我听的,不是你自己说的。

9.I do not know if I can carry on ~ ~ I owe you too much too much has been unable to compensate.我不知道如果我能继续〜〜我欠你太多太多已无法弥补。

10.Seeing this, people considered Uncle Gen as someone and looked at him with owe.众人一看,根叔还真有点料,立刻对他另眼相看。