


美式发音: [ˌregju'lærəti] 英式发音: [ˌregju'lærəti]








1.[u]规律性;经常性the fact that the same thing happens again and again, and usually with the same length of time between each time it happens

Aircraft passed overhead with monotonous regularity .飞机一次又一次反复从头顶飞过。

2.[u]匀称;端正;有规则的分布the fact that sth is arranged in an even way or in an organized pattern

the striking regularity of her features她的五官非常端正

3.[c]有规则的东西;有规律的事物a thing that has a pattern to it

They had observed regularities in the behaviour of the animals.他们曾观察过这些动物的习性。


1.规律性 actuapty( 现实), regularity规律性) - carelessness( 粗心), ...

2.规则性 primary structure 一级结构;初级结构 regularity 规则性;整齐度 distance 均方根末端距 ...

3.整齐 regiment n. (军队)团 v.严格控制 regularity n. 规则性;整齐 regulate v. 管制,调整 ...

4.匀称 ... measurable adj. 可测量的 125. regularity n. 规律性, 规则性, 整齐, 匀称 129. conformity n. 一致, 符合 130. ...

5.定期 registration 记录,登记,注册 regularity 定期,规律性 regularly 定期地,有规律地 ...

6.规律性,规则性 ... regret v. / n. 遗憾,懊悔,抱歉 regularity n. 规律性,规则性;整齐,匀称 regulate v. 管制,控制;调节,校准…


1."But, as the amount of sleep became shorter and the regularity of sleep became less organized, the risk for obesity increased, " he said.他还表示,那些达到了建议睡眠时间量的孩子并不存在会患上肥胖,糖尿病,以及心血管疾病的风险。

2.It irritated her beyond measure to see the regularity with which he went through the unvarying process of his toilet.看见他总是有规律地每天毫无变化地在同一时间进洗手间,也使她火气冲天。

3.Over the years, similar assessments have been issued with some regularity. They turned out to be wishful thinking.这些年来,每隔一段时间就有人发表类似的评估,但终归只是一厢情愿。

4.Far more complex is Mozart, who writes what seems to be an irregular phrase structure on the surface, which transforms a hidden regularity.而莫扎特做的远比这要复杂得多,他的作品往往由表面看似杂乱无章的音乐,演绎出另一个藏匿于背后的节奏。

5.There was no significant regularity in the horizontal distribution of phosphorus species, but there existed obvious variances in contents.结果表明,表层沉积物中各形态磷的空间分布规律不明显,且含量存在较大的差异。

6.The latter is probably due to the state of the code but the outside of the foot shot was annoying me a bit because of its regularity.后者可能是由于代码的状态,但脚的镜头外是讨厌我,因为它的规律性位。

7.The regularity with which he did this smacked of some one who was waiting to pve upon her labour.他每天要都照例问她这个,有点像是要靠她的劳动而过活的味道。

8.Just as the name imppes, the regular script features its regularity and varies from the flat font to a square one.就像名字所表明的那样,楷书的特征在于其字体的规则性,其将平的形式演变了方的形式。

9.Mao Zedong's view of the war and his cognizance of the war's regularity are the parts of his martial dialectics.毛泽东的战争观及其对战争规律的认识,是毛泽东军事辩证法的组成部分。

10.Mr. Doonan's husband, he said, calls him "a geriatric lunatic with relentless regularity. "Doonan先生说的他丈夫叫他“一个无情地有规律老朽的极端分子。”