


美式发音: [ˌʌnˈraɪp] 英式发音: [ʌnˈraɪp]



比较级:unriper  最高级:unripest  同义词反义词





1.(食物)未成熟的not yet ready to eat

unripe fruit未熟的水果


adj.1.unripe fruit is hard and not yet ready to eat2.not ready or old enough

1.未成熟的 tinned fruit 罐头水果 unripe 未成熟的 walnut 胡桃,核桃 ...

2.未熟的 uneducated 未受教育的 unripe 未熟的 uncut 未割的 ...

3.生 ... 瘦 thin; unripe, 熟 ripe; ...

4.生的 面团 dough 生的(不熟的) unripe 生的(未煮熟的) raw ...


1.Please allow me to introduce for you : unripe and fresh food are on the first floor , the general merchandise is on the second floor .有我来为你介绍:生鲜和食品在一楼,百货在二楼。

2.What was youth at best? A green, an unripe time, a time of shallow moods, and sickly thoughts.青春归根到底是什么?青涩、未尽成熟的时期,心绪浅淡、思想病态的日子。

3.Opves Small bitter oval fruit, green when unripe and black when ripe, used for food and for oil.小而苦涩的卵形水果,未成熟时为绿色,成熟呈黑色。可以食用,也可以榨油。

4.The edible, fleshy, ripe aril of this tree, especially popular as a food in Jamaica. The seeds and unripe arils are poisonous.阿开木果实阿开木结的可食的、肉质的、成熟的假种皮,尤其在牙买加被广泛作为食物。

5.not intermarriage: Near marry an unripe children is medium, transmissibipty disease incidence of a disease is high.勿近亲结婚:近亲婚配所生的子女中,遗传性疾病发病率高。

6.The unripe grape, the ripe bunch, the dried grape, all are changes, not into nothing, but into something which exists not yet.未熟的葡萄、成熟的和干枯了的葡萄,所有这些都是变化,不是变为虚无,而是变为尚未存在的什么东西。

7.Can divide on modelpng for contemporary, restore ancient ways, copy is unripe wait for a variety of designs.在造型上可以分为现代、复古、仿生等多种设计。

8.Caupne radical ministry extend of procumbent, upside, hollow, have ramose , section armpit is in scanty unripe fine fluff.茎基部匍匐。上部伸展,中空,有分枝,节腋处疏生细柔毛。

9.The small, dark, unripe fruit of the pepper plant(Piper nigrum), used whole or ground as a pungent spice.一种胡椒植物(胡椒胡椒属),黑色不成熟的小果实,整个或磨碎作辛辣香料。

10.Enrolled unripe plan 2010: Not divisional and professional direction recruits a Master to be born, study way: Area country fastens research.2010年招生计划:不区分专业方向招收硕士生,研究方向:区域国别研究。