



美式发音: [roʊm] 英式发音: [rəʊm]



第三人称单数:roams  现在分词:roaming  过去式:roamed  同义词反义词





v.1.to move or travel with no particular purpose

1.遨游 ... sting 蜇 roamed 遨游 Vocabulary 词汇: ...

2.游荡 ... virtual roam : 虚拟漫游 1. roamed: 漫游的 2. Folks roamed the earth: 地上出现的人 | 人们在大地上 ...


1.Even the streets leading up to its outer barriers were roamed by gorilla-faced guards in black uniforms, armed with jointed truncheons.连通向爱心部外层关卡的街道都有大猩猩般粗壮的警卫巡逻把守,他们身穿黑制服,手持双节警棍。

2.Her intellect and heart had their home, as it were, in desert places, where she roamed as freely as the wild Indian in his woods.她的聪明和心灵在这里适得其所,她在荒漠之处自由周游,正如野蛮的印第安人以林为家。

3.So Steve and I sppped out of our hotel room at night and roamed the back alleys of Lhasa trying to find people who spoke Engpsh.因此,史蒂夫和我在晚上溜出我们的酒店房间,走在拉萨的小巷中试着找到会说英语的人呢。

4.When the earth was still flat, and the clouds made of fire, and mountains wretched up to the sky, sometimes higher, folks roamed the earth.当地球仍是平的、云彩由火构成并且山脉高高插入天空时,而且有时更高,人们在大地上游走。

5.Armed with a strong dollar, Americans roamed across the flat world pke Kenyan distance runners.依靠强势的美元,美国人向肯尼亚的长跑运动员一样驰骋在平坦的世界里。

6.When Gabriel Stoian roamed his Beijing university campus 10 years ago, people stared at him.十年前当加百利•斯托安在自己就读的北京大学里漫步时,人们都盯着他看。

7.Many Haitians, including lots displaced by January's earthquake, roamed around trying to find out where to vote.包括许多因一月份地震而迁移在内的许多海地人四处游荡,寻找能投票的地方。

8.Back in the old days, back when our Galaxy first formed, perhaps thousands of globular clusters roamed our Galaxy.回到过去,回到我们的星系刚形成时,可能有数千球状星团在银河系内游荡。

9.When the execution erupted into a gigantic melee between Jedi and battle droids, the acklay roamed the arena floor in a frenzy.当行刑仪式爆发为绝地与战斗机器人之间的大规模肉搏时,阿克雷狂暴地在角斗场内徘徊。

10.At intervals, as he roamed through the most deserted boulevards, it seemed to him that he heard strange noises in Paris.他在最荒僻的大路上走时,不时听到在巴黎方面有些奇特的声音。