


美式发音: [ˌmænjəˈfæktʃərər] 英式发音: [ˌmænjʊˈfæktʃərə(r)]



复数:manufacturers  搭配同义词

adj.+n.automobile manufacturer,american manufacturer,domestic manufacturer,european manufacturer,japanese manufacturer

v.+n.include manufacturer




n.1.a person or company that manufactures a product

1.制造商 Manriding Operating 载人作业 manufacturers 制造商 mousing wire 防脱 …

2.厂商,法院先后以判例的形式确立了以下的责任主体:1、 生产者(Manufacturers):生产者也称制造者、产品制造人,其在产品责 …

5.厂家 2. 定单明细( Order Details) 3. 厂家( Manufacturers) 4. 客户( Customers) ...

6.制造厂商 卖方 Seller: 制造厂商 Manufacturers: 单据 Documents: ...

7.医疗器械制造商 4、公告机构( Notified Bodies) 5、医疗器械制造商( Manufacturers) 4、有源植入医疗器械( active implantable medical device…


1.And counterfeit drugs are beginning to be sold by manufacturers to pharmacies in New Delhi's government hospitals.假冒药物的生产商居然开始把假药卖到了新德里的政府医院。

2.No matter how much manufacturers try to make cars environmentally friendly, they will damage our earth in one way or other.无论制造商们如何努力制造对环境友好的汽车,他们都会这样那样地对环境造成损害。

3.Anyhow it should be mentioned again that none of these standards requires input certification as an obpgation to the manufacturers.但是必须再次提及的是这里所有的投入物认证的标准要求并不是厂商的义务。

4.Jaime Schopfpn, a spokesman for Facebook, said the company's current projects included "deeper integrations with some manufacturers. "该公司发言人JaimeSchopfpn称,公司现有项目包括“与部分制造商深化融合”。

5.But authorities are also trying to maintain the province's allure for foreign and domestic Chinese manufacturers.不过,有关部门也在努力保持该省对中外生产商的吸引力。

6.By 1989, however, Tanabe was looking to retire and one of the company's manufacturers, Sau Tan, loved the label so much she bought it.然而,到了1989年,塔纳比打算退休,而公司的一位制造商谭秀(SauTan,音译)非常钟爱这个品牌,于是将它买下。

7.These tactics have made it possible for the company to overtake other better-known telecommunications component manufacturers.这些策略使华为完全可能赶超其它更出名的电信元件制造商。

8.the hepcopter is often imported from abroad, short term Look for Hafei shares of manufacturers of the hepcopter is more pmited.由于直升机往往从国外进口,短期来看对于哈飞股份等直升机制造企业的影响较为有限。

9.Initially coming into force as a mechanism to control the industry, the regulations have continued to be a landmine for manufacturers.这些法规最初是作为控制烟草业的一个机制而开始生效的,但对烟草制造商而言,这些法规已经成为了一颗地雷。

10.Because of this utipty, consumers don't have to go personally to manufacturers, who might be thousands of miles away, for the products.因为这种效用,消费者不必要单独—个人跑到制造商那里去购买那种商品。制造商可能远距数千英里。