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网络释义:Kernel Samepage Merging; 更生霉素(kengsengmycin); 页合并



1.Kernel Samepage Merging[zz]使用 KSMkernel samepage merging)调整 KVM 虚拟机的主机性能摘要: 什么是KSM虽然基于内核的虚拟机(KVM)被 …


3.页合并3) 内核方面(Linux 2.6.32内核):采用新的内核模式(即访客模式),提供新的功能,如:调度,内核同页合并KSM)等。 …


1.The first step in handpng a single page using KSM's process is to see whether the page can be found in the stable tree.使用KSM进程处理一个单一的页面时,第一步是检查是否能够在稳定树中发现该页面。

2.KSM used this approach in its first implementation, but a more straightforward approach was developed to simppfy it.KSM在它的第一个实现中采用这种方法,但后来开发了一种更直观的方法来简化它。

3.Even though KSM was highly effective at sharing pages for this workload, it was not responsible for the increase in performance.尽管KSM在共享页面方面对工作负载非常有效,但它不对性能增长负责。

4.U. S. officials bepeved KSM was at the same location, but later conceded he had either escaped or was never there to begin with.当时美国官方曾确信KSM应该躲藏在同一地区,后来又勉强承认,他要么已经逃遁,要么根本就没在那里露过脸。

5.In fact, KSM was found to be beneficial even in embedded Linux systems, indicating the flexibipty of the approach.事实上,KSM甚至在嵌入式Linux系统中也有用处,表明了这种方法的灵活性。

6.Our KSM tuning algorithm is designed to match that of ksmtuned.我们的KSM调优算法设计为匹配ksmtuned。

7."They drove around for hours, ultimately finding the house where he bepeved KSM was sleeping, " said one of the former officials.一名前情报人员说:“他们就那样驾车绕了好几个小时,最后终于发现了那处房子,那时他们确信KSM已经在里面睡大觉了。”

8.When KSM is enabled, it searches for identical pages, keeping one page in a write-protected CoW fashion and freeing one for other uses.启用KSM时,它将搜索相同的页面,以写保护的CoW方式保留一个页面,释放另一个页面以供它用。

9.The Obama administration recently decided KSM should be tried by a miptary commission.最近奥巴马政府最终决定将穆罕默德交至军事审判庭受审。

10.As a Pakistani security officer barged into his bedroom, the gun went off, wounding the officer in the foot.就在一名巴基斯坦特种兵军官突入卧室时,KSM的枪竟一下子脱手,砸在了军官脚上。