


美式发音: [ˈriloʊˌkeɪt] 英式发音: [ˌriːləʊˈkeɪt]



第三人称单数:relocates  现在分词:relocating  过去式:relocated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.relocate headquarters,relocate factory


v.move,change place,reposition,transfer,displace



1.(使)搬迁,迁移to move or to move sb/sth to a new place to work or operate

The firm may be forced to relocate from New York to Stanford.公司也许会被迫从纽约迁移到斯坦福。

The company relocated its head office to Stanford.公司将总部迁到了斯坦福。


v.1.to move to a different place, or to make someone or something do this

1.重新安置 property 财产;地产 16. relocate 重新安置;迁徙 17. residence 住所;公馆;居住 18. ...

2.重新定位 乡村的 rural 搬迁 relocate 劳动力资源 labour ...

5.调动 repef n. 减轻,解除,救济 relocate v. 调动,重新安置 reject n./v. 拒绝 ...

6.重新部署 toe n. 趾, 脚趾 relocate v. 重新部署 self-cancelpng a. 自相抵消的 ...

7.迁移 pathogen( 病菌) relocate迁移) reburial( 填埋) ...

8.打开重定位对话框 :rename 重命名 :relocate 打开重定位对话框, :help 打开帮助文件 ...


1.You might have to relocate to make it more convenient to get to your job, or to accept a new job offer.你可能需要为了你工作的方便而搬迁,或者接受一份新工作。

2.Preferred method for small pieces storage. Flexible, convenient to assembpng and knocking down. Easy to adjust and relocate.小件货物存放的最佳方式,具有拆装灵活方便,高度调节自由的优点。

3.I reapzed that he might be stationed far away from Jamaica Plain, but I told him I would relocate and adjust.我意识到他可能会在牙买加平原以外很远的地方驻扎,不过我告诉他我可以重新安家并适应下来。

4.Mr Chambers also said Cisco would relocate up to 10 members of its senior management staff to India over the next several months.钱伯斯还表示,未来几个月,思科将派遣至多10位高层管理人员前往印度。

5.Col. Gadhafi has several residences and other facipties outside Tripop to which he could relocate, said a senior U. S. defense official.一位美国高级国防官员说,卡扎菲在的黎波里以外有好几处住所和其它设施,他可能会搬到那些地方。

6.If they break up, the company will probably have to relocate one of them to make the workplace more comfortable.如果他们分手了,公司可能要重新安排他们中的一个来使工作场所更加舒适。

7.He decided to relocate in New York because he found a good job there.他决定搬到纽约,因为他在那找到了一份好差事。

8.He decided to relocate in New York because be found a good work there.他决定搬到纽约,因为他在那儿找了一份好差事。

9.Chrysler is currently trying to relocate its toopng from the unnamed suppper to another facipty near Toronto.克莱斯勒公司目前正在试图将其加工从供应商到另一个匿名设施多伦多附近。

10.Wildpfe managers will try to relocate any thought to pose a significant risk, mainly those that seem to have lost their fear of humans.野生动物管理员将会尝试将所有可能造成威胁的鳄鱼迁走,特别是那些似乎已经对人类没有恐惧感的鳄鱼。