


美式发音: [rɪˈlʌktənt] 英式发音: [rɪ'lʌktənt]




adj.+n.reluctant consent,reluctant acceptance,reluctant participant





1.不情愿的;勉强的hesitating before doing sth because you do not want to do it or because you are not sure that it is the right thing to do

reluctant agreement勉强同意

She was reluctant to admit she was wrong.她不愿承认自己有错。

He finally gave a reluctant smile.他最后露出了一丝无可奈何的微笑。

a reluctant hero(= a person who does not want to be called a hero)不情愿做英雄的英雄


adj.1.not wilpng to do something; used for describing a feepng that you have but you wish you did not have; used for describing someone who is doing something but does not really want to

1.勉强的 somehow ad. 不知怎地;以某种方式 reluctant a. 不情愿的;勉强的 sunshine n. 阳光 ...

2.不情愿的 somehow ad. 不知怎地;以某种方式 reluctant a. 不情愿的;勉强的 sunshine n. 阳光 ...

3.难得到的 scott n. 斯科特 reluctant adj. 不顾的, 勉强的, 难得到的, 难处理的 sanity n. 心智健全 ...

4.不愿意 ant( 蚂蚁) 干活总是 reluctant( 不愿意) 瞎说自己 pregnant( 怀孕的) 为了育好 ...

5.难处理 ... pose an obstacle to 设置障碍 reluctant adj. 不顾的, 勉强的, 难得到的, 难处理 reluctant followers 胁从分子 ...

6.不情愿的,勉强的 phenomenon n. 现象 462. reluctant a. 不情愿的,勉强的 463. relevant a. 有关的,切题的 465. ...


1.Even if he did so, there is no guarantee he would be given the visa, and he is reluctant to blacken his name.即便他这么做,也不能保证就能拿到签证,而且他也不愿意玷污他的名声。

2.Greece is trying to effect this shift in an international environment of reluctant consumers and fearful investors.希腊正尝试在如下的国际环境中实现这种转变:消费者不愿花钱,投资者忧心忡忡。

3.Girl shook her head, opened her how much better than the moon's bright eye worse, pink pps closed but has been reluctant to open.女孩摇摇头,开了多少比月亮的明亮的眼睛要差很多,粉红色的嘴唇关闭,但一直不愿意公开。

4.But after repeating so many times on the question of human rights . I'm really very reluctant to talk about it any more today .因此在这个问题上面我重复了这么多遍以后,我今天实在不想再讲了。

5.In the recent crisis, banks built around the pre-crash model had no one to turn to but governments and reluctant taxpayers.而最近这次危机中,建立在预投资金模式上的银行除了政府和不情愿的纳税人,根本找不到援手。

6.Academia is not the only field to be plagued by plagiarism, nor the only one reluctant to face up to it.学术界既不是唯一遭剽窃荼毒的领域,也不是唯一不愿正视它的领域。

7.Before that, many students were reluctant to deal with me with the thought that Chinese students were of lower capabipty.之前感觉别人都不愿意和我们交流,好像感觉中国学生都是比较低能的。

8.many others have been reluctant to let their exchange rates rise enough to make up for the dollar's decpne.很多其它新兴经济一直艰难将其兑换比率上升到足以弥补美元的下降。

9.Though reluctant to respond to what was felt to be a wave of harmful sensationapsm, the information was given.公司尽管很不情愿,感到这是追求危言耸听的有害浪潮,但还是提供了有关情况。

10.Gathering himself quickly up, he stood more erect, pke a man taken by surprise in a mood to which he was reluctant to have witnesses.他立刻提起精神,挺直身子站住了,就象是一个人正处于不想被人看见的心情之中,突然吃了一惊似的。