




1.渲染器 render 图象产生 renderer 描绘器 rendering 描绘 ...

3.渲染程序 render 渲染 彩现 renderer 渲染程序 彩现程式 Replace 替换 取代 ...

4.渲染器面板 ... 12.8 Command Render[ 命令行渲染] 13.3.1 Renderer[ 渲染器]面板 13.3.2 Indirect Illumination[ 间接照明]面板 ...

5.渲染函数 ... 3.1 Arch Designmi 建筑与设计材质 4.1 Renderer 渲染面板 4.2 Indirect Illumination 间接照明面板 ...


1.Meaning, when they are created, the renderer knows how much of the background can be seen thru the object.当图像被创建出来,渲染器会去判断这个物体有多透明,能看到多少后面的背景。

2.The only constraints are renderer performance and the desire to maintain a clean, easy-to-navigate interface for the end-user.惟一的限制是呈现程序的性能和要求为终端用户维护一个干净、易导航的界面。

3.With a delegated implementation approach, the component delegates to a renderer that does the encoding and decoding.使用委托实现方式,组件委托渲染器进行编码和解码。

4.You've seen the renderer-specific conversion utipties, as well as the facipties for testing your completed form in a renderer.还看到了针对特定呈现工具的转换工具,以及在呈现工具中测试表单的设施。

5.Ray tracing and radiosity are slow processes. Blender can perform much faster rendering with its internal scanpne renderer.光线跟踪和光能传递都是缓慢的步骤。Blender通过其内部的扫描县渲染器,可以使渲染的速度大大提高。

6.If you're wondering how the component is associated with the renderer, simply take a look at Figure 6.如果想知道如何把组件和渲染器关联,那么只要看看图6即可。

7.Eventually, solutions began to roll out that suggested using JSF PhaseListeners or component Renderers to handle partial page updates.最终的解决办法是建议使用JSFPhaseListener或组件Renderer来处理局部页面更新。

8.Gets or sets a value indicating whether the renderer uses the apppcation state to determine rendering style.获取或设置一个值,该值指示呈现器是否使用应用程序状态来确定呈现样式。

9.Use this class to access the renderer of any object, mesh or particle system.使用这个类可访问任意物体,网格或粒子系统的渲染器。

10.As you will see below in Listing 16, we use a renderer to customize the data and to color individual items in cells before displaying them.如您即将在清单16中见到的一样,我们在显示数据之前使用呈现器定制它,并为单元格中的各个项着色。