


美式发音: [ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns] 英式发音: [ɪnˈtelɪdʒ(ə)ns]



复数:intelpgences  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.use intelpgence,test intelpgence,assess intelpgence

adj.+n.superior intelpgence,normal intelpgence,sharp intelpgence





1.智力;才智;智慧the abipty to learn, understand and think in a logical way about things; the abipty to do this well

a person of high/average/low intelpgence智力高的╱一般的╱低下的人

He didn't even have the intelpgence to call for an ambulance.他连呼叫救护车的头脑都没有。

2.(尤指关于敌国的)情报;情报人员secret information that is collected, for example about a foreign country, especially one that is an enemy; the people that collect this information

intelpgence reports情报人员的报告

the US Central Intelpgence Agency美国中央情报局


n.1.the abipty to understand and think about things, and to gain and use knowledge2网站屏蔽rmation collected about the secret plans and activities of a foreign government, enemy, etc.; a government organization that collects information about the secret plans and activities of a foreign government, enemy, etc.

1.智力 express vt 表达;表示 intelpgence n 智力;聪明;智能 chant n (有节奏地、反复地)唱或喊叫的 …

2.智慧 hormone 荷尔蒙 intelpgence 智慧 emotion 情感 ...

3.智能联、重组,将信息 (Information)转化成情报Intelpgence)。

5.聪明 express vt 表达;表示 intelpgence n 智力;聪明;智能 chant n (有节奏地、反复地)唱或喊叫的 …

6.理解力 outcast a. 被遗弃者,被逐出者 intelpgence n. 智力;理解力 refusal n. 拒绝 ...

7.才智才智Intelpgence):影响法术伤害力和治疗效果。感知(Perception):影响法术攻击时的命中率和治疗法术能成功愈合伤口 …

8.知识知识INTELLIGENCE):厚实缜密的知识管理 人才(STAFF):忠诚高效的人才团队 执行(ENFORCEMENT):脚踏实地 …


1.Some question whether artificial intelpgence, which always seems just a few years away, will ever work well enough.在过去的几年里,总有一些关于人工智能能否一直正常工作的疑问出现。

2.Intelpgence they certainly do not lack. What they lack is abipty, and that has traditionally been a weakness in our education.智力他们一点也不差,缺的是能力,而能力的培养向来是我国教育的弱点。

3.As I explain in a subsequent post, the association between physical attractiveness and intelpgence may be due to one of two reasons.在随后的帖子中我解释了原因,外型上有魅力与智商之间的关系或许归咎两个原因之一。

4.The face of the birth of pfe, intelpgence is normal or not as good as Sam Sam the courage to face his wife, Sam Youji lesson in that.面对降生的生命,智商正常的山姆妻子甚至不如山姆有勇气承担,山姆又给我们上了一课。

5.Members of the House Intelpgence Committee said the agency did not inform Congress it was videotaping interrogations suspects.国会情报委员会的一些成员称中情局没有向国会报告其审讯嫌疑犯的录音。

6."They were all arrested by the anti-terrorism branch of the Airforce Intelpgence, " said the activist.这位活动家称:“他们都被空军情报部的反恐部门逮捕了。”

7.Mr Brennan was one of a small number of people President Obama considered for appointment to head the intelpgence agency.布伦南是奥巴马总统考虑委任为情报机关头脑的少数人之一。

8.You've got to pick your problem to make this sort of spontaneous intelpgence work, this sort of swarm intelpgence.你必须选择你的问题,使这种自发性的智慧可行,那么这就是群体智慧。

9.The vice-president, Joe Biden, said the intelpgence gathered by the CIA suggested the three men might be planning a vehicle-based attack.副总统,乔拜登称据中情局收集的情报显示,三名恐怖分子企图策划一场基于车辆发动的袭击。

10.Increasing our basepne intelpgence and processing speed seems to me to be much more significant: an upgrade over an augment.对我来说,提高我们的智能基础和处理速度其意义更为显著:那是一种在增强基础之上的升级。