



美式发音: [rɪˈnɪɡ] 英式发音: [rɪˈneɪɡ]

v.否认;放弃 (one's country);拒绝;〈比喻〉食言



第三人称单数:reneges  现在分词:reneging  过去式:reneged  同义词

v.go back on,break a promise,back out,default


v.1.否认;放弃 (one's country);拒绝2.〈比喻〉食言,背信,违约3.【牌】有某种花色的牌可跟而(故意或无意)违反规则出另一花色的牌



v.1.to decide not to do something that you promised to do

na.1.The variant of renegue

1.中途退出别是那些含有排队现象的系统中,可能经常要考虑顾客的中途退出 (reneging)问题(也就是说,在某一时刻顾客从队列中离开) ,我 …

2.放弃监督这些政治代理人之需求。对立法的司法审查的存在,正是为了防止政治家在与公民订立的基本契约(founding bargain) …

4.背信 2003,Robinson 1996) PCV 背信(reneging) 不一致(incongruence) 对卖家的PCV有可能导因於以下六点: 欺骗,产品不实, …

5.违约 ... 30.perspiration n. 汗,汗水 ( reneged; reneged; reneging ) 食言;背信;违约 ...

6.中途离开 ... ) reneging 中途离开 ) halfway inhibition 中途抑制 ...

7.状态的默认处理 ... 427 12.4.2 tcp_check_sack_ reneging 状态的默认处理 429 12.5.1 inet_rtm_newrule 初始化 534 14…

8.重新商议心理契约违背的发生有两个条件:重新商议reneging)与不一致性(incongruence)。其中,前者发生在组织的代言机构认识 …


1.Reneging on our commitments to the world's poor cannot be an austerity measure, " she said. "放弃我们给世界上的穷国的承诺不能成为一种紧缩措施。

2.But within months tension rose as Camara began talking about reneging on his promise not to run for president.但是在数月之内,形势恶化,卡马拉也违背了他曾经许下绝不竞选总统的诺言。

3.Firstly, the paper studies the Machine Interference Problem Models with balking, reneging and single vacation popcy of single server.首先,论文研究了带止步、中途退出以及单个修理工进行单重休假的机器维修模型。

4.Finally, the paper studies the Machine Interference Problem Models with balking, reneging, warm spares and N popcy.最后,研究了带止步、中途退出、多个温贮备部件和修理工N策略休假模型。

5.The G8 nations, especially France and Italy, were criticised this month for reneging on their promises of increased aid to poor countries.八国集团国家,尤其是法国和意大利,在本月遭到了批评,指责它们背弃了对贫穷国家增加援助的承诺。

6.But the deal fell apart after the Bush administration accused the North Koreans of reneging on their promises.但在布什政府指控北朝鲜违背诺言之后,这笔交易就泡汤了。

7.Be clear: the government disgraced itself by reneging on its pledge to hold a referendum.清楚点:政府出尔反尔,不愿举行公投让自己名誉扫地。

8.Although the agreement was jointly formulated, the Chinese are reneging on the clause.虽然协议是共同制定的,但中方违背了该条款。

9.There must be no reneging.绝对不能有反悔。

10.Reneging on our commitments to the world's poor can not be an austerity measure.放弃我们给世界上穷国的承诺不能成为一种紧缩措施。