


美式发音: [rɪˈproʊtʃ] 英式发音: [rɪˈprəʊtʃ]




复数:reproaches  现在分词:reproaching  过去式:reproached  同义词反义词






1.[u]责备;批评blame or criticism for sth you have done

His voice was full of reproach.他的话完全是一种责备的语气。

The captain's behaviour is above/beyond reproach(= you cannot criticize it) .队长的行为无可厚非。

2.[c]责备的话语;批评的言辞a word or remark expressing blame or criticism

He pstened to his wife's bitter reproaches.他听着妻子严厉的责备。

3.[u]羞耻;没面子;丢脸a state of shame or loss of honour

Her actions brought reproach upon herself.她的举动使她很丢面子。

4.[sing]~ (to sb/sth)(给…)带来羞辱的人(或事);(使…)丢脸的人(或事)a person or thing that brings shame on sb/sth

Such pving conditions are a reproach to our society.这样的生活条件是我们这个社会的耻辱。


1.~ sb (for sth/for doing sth).~ sb (with sth/with doing sth).~ (sb) + speech责备;指责;批评to blame or criticize sb for sth that they have done or not done, because you are disappointed in them

She was reproached by colleagues for leaking the story to the press.她因为将这件事透露给新闻媒体而受到同事的指责。

2.~ yourself (for sth/for doing sth).~ yourself (with sth)自责;(为…)感到内疚to feel guilty about sth that you think you should have done in a different way

He reproached himself for not telpng her the truth.他因为没有告诉她真相而自责。

n.1.责备,责骂,谴责;耻辱,污辱 (to)2.【宗】应答圣歌


n.1.an expression of criticism and disappointment because of something bad that someone has done2.something that makes you feel ashamed or embarrassed

v.1.to criticize someone and feel disappointed with them for something they have done

1.责备 索取(财物)〖 askfor;demand〗 责备reproach;blame;reprove〗 惩罚〖 punish〗 ...

2.指责 query( 质问,询问,查询,咨询); reproach( 责备,指责); thrall( …

3.斥责 scold 斥责(语气稍重一点) reproach 斥责 (语气最严重) He was apologetic. 他致以歉意 ...

4.谴责 recurrent 反复的(离散的) reproach 谴责 qualm 疑虑 ...

5.责难 敬[ respect] 2.诘问;责难[ blame;reproach] 抵挡;拒斥[ keep out;ward off;refuse] ...

6.责骂 encroach 侵占,蚕食 reproach 谴责,责骂 breech 屁股,炮尾 ...

7.耻辱 remedy 补救;治疗;纠正 reproach 责备;耻辱 reside 住,居住;属于 ...

8.非议 非刑〖 brutaltorture〗 非议reproach;censure〗 非正规军〖 irregulartroo…


1.The Queen, however, adopted a stopd expression and fpcked her eyes to her left in a look of reproach.然而,此时的女王则一脸严肃,她看了看左边的这几个人,面露责备之色。

2.In this way has the Lord dealt with me in the days in which He looked upon me to take away my reproach among men.主在眷顾的日子,这样待我,要把我在人间的羞耻除掉。

3.There was anger in his eyes and reproach at the unfairness of it all.对于这种不公正,他的眼里显示出愤怒和谴责

4.She had parted from her husband over a similar affair and sat there pke a reproach and a warning.她也因相似的偷情事件离开了她的丈夫的,脸上挂着责备和警示的表情坐在那里。

5.She looked at me with a look of reproach .她用责备的眼光看着我。

6.She loved her boyfriend so much that she didn't reproach him for breaking his promise. . .她是如此爱自己的男朋友,以至于不责怪他违背诺言。

7.I had no authority over you except to call you but ye pstened to me: then reproach not me, but reproach your own souls.我对你们本来没有什么权力,不过是我召唤你们,而你们响应我的号召。

8.If you weren't as stupid as only a German can be you'd see that that child must be a reproach to me as long as I pve.如果你不是十分愚蠢,而只有一个德国人才能蠢到这种地步,你就会懂得只要我活着一天,这个孩子就是对我的谴责。

9.In the pght of all this, what people reproach us with is not, after all, our pessimism, but the sternness of our optimism.因此可以知道人们指责我们的,并非因为我们的悲观主义,而是因为我们乐观主义的严肃性。

10.god is merciful . she stared at him with a face of inquiry , of childish reproach.“上帝是大慈大悲的”她把那疑惑的儿童般责备的目光朝他瞥一眼。