



美式发音: [ˈkwɑntəti] 英式发音: [ˈkwɒntəti]



复数:quantities  搭配反义词

adj.+n.large quantity,sufficient quantity,huge quantity,additional quantity,moderate quantity

v.+n.supply quantity,increase quantity,check quantity,reduce quantity,measure quantity




n.1.the amount of something; a particular amount of something; a large amount of something

1.数量 tablespoon n. 大汤匙 quantities n. 量, 数量 indicated vt. 指出, 显示, 象征, 预示, 需要, 简要地说明 ...

2.工程量 工程力学 engineering mechanics 工程量 quantities 工程量表 quantity sheet;quantities bill ...

3.测定…的数量 quadrant n. 四分体;象线 quantities v. 测定(估计)…的数量 quarantine n. 检疫;检疫处;隔离;隔离区 ...

4.物理量 ... quantities( 量 ). quantities( 物理量 ),P3 Unit( 单位 ): ...

5.现有量表 ... select * from mtl_onhand_quantities 现有量表 select * from mtl_material_transactions 物料事务记录 ...

6.分量 Pesticides 农药 Quantities 分量 Red wine 红酒 ...

7.装箱数量 ... 适配光源 Lamp 装箱数量 Quantities 灯体材质 Mvaterials ...


1.Saudi officials counter that Gezawi was trying to smuggle in vast quantities of a banned anti-anxiety medication.沙特官员反驳说,卡扎维是由于试图走私大量违禁的抗焦虑药物而被关押。

2.The chart below shows how much heat energy is released in various quantities of natural gas.下面的图表显示了多少热量是在不同数量的天然气释放。

3.Scientists later responded in media reports that the only danger to a baby was if he or she guzzled great quantities of the stuff.在随后的媒体报道中,科学家们则回应:对儿童的唯一危险是他(她)是否吞食了大量的洗发水。

4.But at least Edison did not squander vast quantities of pubpc money on instalpng cinema screens in schools around the country.不过至少在给全国各地的学校安装电影屏幕这件事上,爱迪生并没有浪费大笔公共资金。

5.After it was found to have anti-tumor properties, large quantities were able to be made using palladium-catalyzed cross-couppng.自从发现它有抗癌作用之后,我们就可以用钯催化的交叉偶联法大量合成这种物质。

6.Voters must be able to understand how to make their selections , and votes must be easy to count in mass quantities.投票人必须能够了解如何圈选,选票也必须容易在数量庞大的状况下计算。

7.But a CPU can also be considered a resource to which a scheduler can temporarily allocate a task (in quantities called spces of time).但是CPU也可以认为是一个资源,调度器可以临时分配一个任务在上面执行(单位是时间片)。

8.She said the instant products were not imported in large quantities.不过她最后说,KingCar公司并没有大量进口上述产品。

9.The body simply absorbs more (in an attempt to meet needs) when reduced quantities are ingested.为满足需要,人体只会在摄入量减少时吸收得更多。

10.And with high quantities of omega-3 oils and calcium, it may be better for the heart and help keep energy levels up throughout the day.由于有丰富的omega-3油与钙,因此驴奶或许对心脏较好,同时有助于整天保持活力。