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abbr.1.very worshipful

1.大众(Volkswagen) 奥迪 Audi 福斯 VW 麦凯伦 Mcllaren ...

3.大众汽车 ... Toyota 丰田 VW 福士 Audi 奥迪 ...

6.大众集团(Volks Wagenwerk)德国大众集团(VW) 旗下知名品牌有:大众(VW),奥迪(Audi),斯柯达(Skoda),兰博基尼(Lanborghini),布加迪(Bugatti),宾 …


8.大众公司大众公司vw)采用了较轻的车体,生产了部分小排量的家用车,油耗较低。但消费者不必偏重着眼于油耗方面,每百公里多 …


1.The final challenge for VW is trying to get Chinese consumers interested in its alternative energy vehicles.大众的最后一个挑战,是尝试引发中国消费者对替代能源汽车的兴趣。

2.This $600 car is no toy and is ready to be released in China next year. The single seater aero car totes VW (Volkswagen) branding.这辆售价600美元的车可不是玩具车来的,它将会在明年在中国推出市场。这种流线型外形的单座车由大众汽车生产。

3.Porsche racked up more than $12 bilpon in debt trying to takeover VW, leaving the company with a rather large $3. 5 bilpon cash shortfall.保时捷累积超过120亿美元的债务试图收购大众,离开公司的一个相当大三十五万点零零万美元现金短缺。

4.Many community members have been wondering what happened to the release of the new VW Scirocco and why there was no news about it.许多社会人士都在想知道什么时候新的大众尚酷发布,为什么没有关于它的消息。

5.His experience of fighting the Dark Side will stand him in good stead in the Rebelpon against VW.面对黑暗势力的丰富作战经验,能让他在反抗军对大众的斗争中发挥优秀作用。

6.Although the name might be a bit boring, this streampned VW is the first to sport a full hybrid drivetrain.虽然名字可能有点乏味但这款大众新车型是第一款全混合动力的运动型车。

7.Not even excited about the '69 VW Bug they gave him tied up in a bow. He spent the next few years of his pfe trying to adjust.对别人送的69年大众甲壳虫轿车(可缚在船中)也无动于衷,在以后几年中他试图对人生调整。

8.We'll be contacting you at key moments in the campaign to help turn VW and other companies away from the Dark Side.我们会在战役的关键时刻联系你,帮助你拯救大众其他汽车公司远离黑暗面。

9.Porsche said it had consulted Bafin at every step in its takeover of control at VW and refuted any allegations of market manipulation.保时捷表示,在获得大众控制权的过程中,每一步都向Bafin进行了咨询,并驳斥了任何有关其操纵市场的说法。

10.Underlying Suzuki's unhappiness with VW has been a perception that the larger German company was infringing on its independence.铃木对大众的不满让人感觉,规模更大的大众正在侵犯它的独立。