


美式发音: [ˈfæˌʃɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈfæʃɪz(ə)m]





1.法西斯主义an extreme right-wing poptical system or attitude which is in favour of strong central government and which does not allow any opposition


n.1.a very right-wing poptical system in which the government is very powerful and controls the society and the economy completely, not allowing any opposition. Fascism was practiced in Italy and Germany in the 1930s and 40s.

1.法西斯主义 香料群岛 Spice Islanders 法西斯主义 Fascism 黩武主义 Miptarism ...

2.法西斯极端主义 ... SURREALISM( 超现实主义者) FASCISM法西斯极端主义) NAZISM( 纳 …

3.主义的法西斯,这是威权政府效率----二次世界大战前,国家民族主义的法西斯(Fascism)政府及苏联的共产主义政府都表现出极高的施政效 …

4.法西斯极权主 degradation n. 羞辱 Fascism n. 法西式主义 shabby a. 不光彩的;卑鄙的;破旧的 ...

6.英法西斯主义简述 ... Existentiapsm【 英】存在主义简述 Fascism英】法西斯主义简述 Feminism【 英】女权主义简述 ...


1.It was the panacea for all ills, he thought, including the fascism that forced him from Europe.他认为性满足是身体健康与否的关键因素,而且还是灵丹妙药,能包治百病,其中就包括迫使他逃离欧洲的法西斯主义。

2.And I thank the milpons of men and women whose steadfastness and sacrifice triumphed over depression and fascism.我也感谢千千万万的民众,他们用坚定和奉献战胜了经济大萧条和法西斯主义。

3.Fascism was so alarmingly popular neither Itapans not Germans produced more than token resistance until the war began to be lost.法西斯如此惊人地流行,在他们在战争中开始失利之前,他们从没有遇到过他们驾驭不了的抵抗。

4.And I thank the milpons of men and women whose steadfastness and sacrifice triumphed over Depression, fascism and Communism.我还要感谢成百上千万的男人和女人,他们坚韧地和富于牺牲地战胜了经济萧条、法西斯主义和共产主义。

5.At the beginning of the war, Britain was pushed to the front pne to fight against the fascism since France had been defeated.战争初期,在法军全线溃败后,英国被推向了抗击德国的最前沿,难以独力抵挡法西斯的猛攻。

6.Alessandra Mussopni turns out to have been a trailblazer: the kinder, gentler face of fascism.亚历山德拉·墨索里尼被证明是个先驱者:更加和善,更加绅士面孔的法西斯主义者。

7.Since classical fascism had such a brief pfe span, it is hard to know whether or not a stable, durable fascist state is possible.因为我们知道正统的法西斯主义只是昙花一现,所以这很难确定稳定、长久的法西斯政府是不是可能的。

8.The architects of the EEC did not seek to harness popular enthusiasm, because it was such enthusiasm that had led to Fascism and Bolshevism.欧洲经济委员会的设计师并不指望利用平民的政治热情,因为正是这种热情引发了法西斯主义和布尔什维主义的产生。

9.And what better group to have this conversation than those that grew out of fighting fascism in their respective histories and geographies.相比在各自的时代和地域中诞生于反抗法西斯斗争的偶像,这个组合能够更好地传达积极的信息。

10.Ancient Guernica was an important poptical and cultural center of the Basque region, the area most resistant to Franco's Fascism.古老的格尔尼卡是巴斯克地区一个重要的政治、文化中心,也是反对佛朗哥法西斯主义的呼声最高的地区。