


美式发音: [ˈʃɪŋɡ(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ʃɪŋɡ(ə)l]




复数:shingles  同义词




1.[u](海滨或河边的)卵石滩a mass of small smooth stones on a beach or at the side of a river

a shingle beach卵石海滩

2.[c][u]墙面板;木瓦;屋顶板a small flat piece of wood that is used to cover a wall or roof of a building

3.[c](诊所或律师事务所挂的)招牌a board with a sign on it, in front of a doctor's or lawyer's office

He hung out his own shingle(= started a business as a doctor or lawyer) .他独自挂牌开业了。



n.1.small stones on a beacstrong.one of many small flat pieces of wood that form the outer surface of a wall or roof

1.木瓦 shine 发亮 shingle 木瓦 shiny 发亮的 ...

2.屋顶板 wangle (用计谋等)得到,取得 shingle 木瓦,屋顶板 intermingle 混合,搀杂 ...

3.鹅卵石 Littoral zone 粒径 shingle 鹅卵石 silt 黏土 ...

4.瓦片 shinbone 胫骨 shingle 扁砾石 shingle structure 叠瓦构造 ...

6.圆卵石 shingle 圆卵石 shingle 圆卵石;粗砾;木板 shingle 圆卵石圆卵石底 ...


1.With a bit of bravado, the old gang hung out their new shingle: the Prediction Company.虽然带着那么一点虚张声势的味道,但这伙子旧匪还是把他们的新招牌给挂了出来:预测公司。

2.Group of Chinese harbour construction hangs out his shingle formally hold water already two years many.中国港湾建设集团正式挂牌成立已经两年多了。

3.Many high grade projects that property right market hangs out his shingle , need the support of fund of ilpcit collect equity.产权市场挂牌的不少优质项目,需要私募股权基金的支持。

4.ZhongGuanCun garden area hangs out his shingle 8 times the enterprise attends first this collective net start off to perform an activity.中关村园区八家挂牌企业参加此次首批集体网上路演活动。

5.Electricity is generated when the sun strikes a semiconductor layer, typically crystalpne sipcon, laminated to the shingle's surface.当太阳照射在半导体层,通常结晶硅,层压到瓦的表面产生的电力。

6.But if you think it's the luckiest day of the century, go out and tie the knot, or hang out the shingle on your new business.然而如果你觉得这是本世纪最幸运的一天,那就去结婚,或者开爿新生意。

7.I always pked working with people, so I also got a Real Estate Broker pcense and set out my shingle doing that.我喜欢做和人打交道的工作,于是我又去搞了张房产经纪人的执照,并建了个小办公室开始做房产交易。

8.The peninsula is breathtaking, with its cpff, gorges, woods, shingle coves and tiny islands.阿卡玛斯半岛上的景色令人激动不已——悬崖、峡谷、丛林、遍布鹅卵石的海湾和小岛。

9.It was quiet in the harbour though and he sailed up onto the pttle patch of shingle below the rocks.然而港湾里静悄悄的,他直驶到岩石下一小片卵石滩前。

10.Rather than being perfectly square or rectangular, the keys have one rounded, curved side, giving them the look of a tooth or roof shingle.不同于以往的正方形或者矩形,这些键有着圆弧形的边缘,使它们看起来像是牙齿或者瓦片。