


美式发音: [rɪˈpjut] 英式发音: [rɪˈpjuːt]








1.名誉;名声the opinion that people have of sb/sth

She is a writer of international repute.她是一位享有国际声誉的作家。

My parents were artists of (some) repute(= having a very good reputation) .我的双亲是具有(一定)知名度的艺术家。



n.1.the reputation that someone or something has

1.名声 impute v 归咎于 repute n 名声,名誉 reputation n 名声 ...

2.名誉 impute v 归咎于 repute n 名声,名誉 reputation n 名声 ...

3.名望 reputation 名誉 repute 名望 reputed 名誉好的 ...

4.名气 reputation 声价 repute 名气 request 请求 ...

5.声誉 reputation 声誉,名誉,名声 repute 声誉,名誉,名声 reputed 声誉好的,驰名的 ...

6.认为 repulse 拒绝,排斥;憎恶 repute 名声,名誉;认为 resemblance 相似,相似处 ...

7.声望 refute 反驳;驳斥;驳倒 repute 名誉;声望 grant 授予;允许;承认 ...

8.称为 reference n.提到;参考;介绍信 repute v.(被)称为,认为 ridge n.山脊,脊 ...


1.I ran across an old classmate last spring, an engineer of no pttle repute, whom I had not met since the day of our graduation.去年春天,我偶然碰到一位老同学,他是位名气不小的工程师,毕业之后我们就没有见过面。

2.But the young maiden, being discreet and of good repute, would ever avoid him, for she feared his evil name.可是这位少女拥有谨言慎行的好名声,她总是躲着他,因为她惧怕他的恶名。

3.There was hardly a novel by an author of any repute .其中几乎没有一本是知名作者的小说。

4.And he travelled up to Canton with Chinese colleagues to visit young novices in a nunnery of ill repute.曾经和中国教授们一同游广州,到一个名声不大好的尼庵里去看小尼姑。

5.She was not in such repute for her practice as before .她营业的声名也不像从前那么好了。

6."But without power and repute I won't be able to help my friends, " you might say.你或许会说:「但没有权势没有名声我就没有能力帮助我的朋友。」

7.The opera Aida is one of his most representative works and it also has a good and lasting repute in the world opera stage.歌剧《阿依达》是他最具有代表性的作品之一,也是世界歌剧舞台上久负盛名和常演不衰的剧作。

8.The contract of roads & bridges will be packaged together to attract International & national contractors of good repute for quapty work.质量保证路桥修建协议将打包向国际、国内有良好声誉的承包商招商。

9.But to have good repute amidst such a world as this is an empty thing.是为了在这样一个空洞的世界里有一个好名声。

10.This brings the engineering profession into dis-repute - and increases the cost of financing such projects.这一切让工程专家背负骂名,而且增加了这些项目的经济成本。