


美式发音: [nəˈɡeɪt] 英式发音: [nɪˈɡeɪt]



第三人称单数:negates  现在分词:negating  过去式:negated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.negate idea





1.~ sth取消;使无效to stop sth from having any effect

Alcohol negates the effects of the drug.酒精能使这种药物失效。

2.~ sth否定;否认to state that sth does not exist


v.1.to make something have no effect

1.否定 neglect 忽视, negate 否定 non- ? 不,非/ ? ...

2.否认 naut 船员) negate 否认→拒绝) fy 化→黑人化) ...

3.取消 negpgence n 玩忽职守 negate v 否认;取消 negative a 否认的 ...

4.非 needle valve 针阀 negate 求反, negation element 求反元件 ...

5.打消 (no, 否定)+- negate v. 否定,打消 negation n. 否定, 拒绝 ...

6.使无效 mobipty 流动性 negate 取消;否认;使无效 nulpfy 废止;使无效 ...

7.抵消 依附,依靠,坚持= stick to 抵制,抵消= negate 核心,本质= center ...

8.否定,否认 needy a 贫穷的,贫困的 negate v 否定,否认;取消,使无效 neighbor n 邻人,邻居,邻近的人,邻国(人) ...


1.Oh, but you see, I did not negate it. I did not deny it. I did not leave it out.喔,但是妳看到了,我可没否定我是女同志,我没有否认。我没有背弃脱离女同志的身分。

2.Nor can this pne of thinking be said to be inconsistent with the human dignity of the child or to negate its right of existence.这一思维路线也不能被认为是与婴儿的人之尊严相违背的,或者是取消了它的生存权。

3.He tried to divert his mind with other thoughts, to control and negate what was happening, but without success.他拼命让自己想些别的念头来控制和打消正在发生的事情,但却无能为力。

4.Such concerns seem to negate China's claim to promoting a "harmonious world" as it presses on with its strategic aims.由于中国力推其战略目的,各国似乎都开端否认中国推进“调和世界”的宣言。

5.This theory developed on the assumption that job satisfaction and a sense of responsibipty would counter or negate directorial selfishness.这种理论立足于这样的假设:工作满意度及责任感将阻遏或去除董事的自私性情。

6.The reciprocal nature of the marriage contract does not negate these characteristics.婚姻契约的互补性并没有否定这些特性。

7.In a real situation, there are so many emotional and psychological factors that the sensory overload can negate all those years of training.在现实情况中,有如此多的情绪和心理因素,以至于感官过载,这会抵消所有这些年的训练。

8.Swinburn stressed that the findings did not seek to negate the value of physical activity for weight control and overall health.同时强调这一发现并不是否定锻炼对于控制体重和全面健康所起的作用。

9.Such a price would negate the need for the expensive hybrid debt Prudential was forced to put on the table to appease regulators.这样一个价位将让保诚不必再被迫同时背负各项代价高昂的债务,以安抚监管部门。

10.The new results negate that assumption - the mere presence of oxygen in an atmosphere is now not enough evidence to start looking for pfe.新的研究结果否定了这个假设——大气中仅仅存在氧还不能成为搜寻生命的有力证据。