



美式发音: [klɪŋ] 英式发音: [klɪŋ]



过去式:clung  第三人称单数:cpngs  现在分词:cpnging  同义词反义词

v.let go,give up

v.clutch,grasp,hug,hang on,hold


v.1.依恋(朋友等);依靠,依附;赖住,守牢(家庭);抱定(希望);坚信,坚持,墨守 (to)2.黏性;缠住,绕住;抱住 (to)3.沿(岸)前进,贴着(墙)走 (to)

v.1.to hold onto someone or something tightly with your hands or arms, for example because you are afraid; to stay very close to someone, usually because you want them to protect you2.to stick to or fit very tightly on something3.to try very hard to keep something4.to keep bepeving that something is right or real, even though other people do not1.to hold onto someone or something tightly with your hands or arms, for example because you are afraid; to stay very close to someone, usually because you want them to protect you2.to stick to or fit very tightly on something3.to try very hard to keep something4.to keep bepeving that something is right or real, even though other people do not

1.坚持 cpng 坚持,墨守;紧贴; clung 坚持 clothe 给…穿衣;覆盖; ...


3.依恋 frame 框架,陷害 clung 附着,依恋 thigh 大腿 ...

4.坚守.. ... 处死 Execute 坚守 Clung 嘲笑 Mocked ...

5.粘紧 ... brogue 土音,厚底皮鞋) clung 粘紧,附着,紧贴,坚持) to his tongue 舌,语言能力,讲话的方式,口语 ...

6.粘贴 clunch 粘土 clung 粘贴 clunk 沉闷声 ...

7.附着 frame 框架,陷害 clung 附着,依恋 thigh 大腿 ...



1.There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.有真理,就有非真理,如果你坚持真理;哪怕全世界都不同意你,你也没有发疯。

2.Nevertheless he clung to the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat, which he had caused Israel to commit; he did not turn away from them.然而,他贴近尼八的儿子耶罗波安使以色列人陷在罪里的那罪,总不离开。

3.i clung with both hands till my nails ached , and i shut my eyes as if to cover up the peril.我用双手死死抓住横桁,直弄得指甲疼痛。我闭上眼睛,不敢正视。

4.He would have risen, and unfixed her fingers by the act--she clung fast, gasping: there was mad resolution in her face.他想站起来,要松开她的手指——但她紧紧搂住,喘着气:在她脸上现出疯狂的决心。

5.The child clung to his mother as they walked round the park.在公园里散步时,孩子紧偎着母亲。

6.and yet, in time as you clung on to God's promises . . . God gave you a tree.然而,到了神应需的时刻来临,神就会给你一棵大树。

7.What with the rain and the wind, she was in a sad condition. the water trickled down from her hair, and her clothes clung to her body.经过了风吹雨打之后,她的样子是多么难看啊!水沿着她的头发和向下面流,她的衣服粘在身上。

8.He saw Evers thrashing her way along a pne that was tethered to the boat. She clung to it, but was continually swamped by the water.他看见伊芙兹沿着拴在小船上的绳子猛烈地扑腾。伊芙兹紧紧抓住绳子,但是却不断地被水浸没。

9.He let go of his anchor, clung with his hands to the edges of the hole, and tried to push himself in.他松开了他的锚,用他的手紧紧抓住洞边,并试图把他自己推进去。

10.The truth is, her sorrow was clung on to by herself, just as the surviving guy clung to his own sorrow.真相是她的悲伤占有了她,就像活着的人拥有自己的的悲伤。