



美式发音: [rɪˈspɑnd] 英式发音: [rɪˈspɒnd]





第三人称单数:responds  现在分词:responding  过去式:responded  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.immediately respond,respond promptly,respond instantly,respond favourably,positively respond


v.reply,answer,retort,answer back,rejoin


v.1.答,回答;响应 (to)2.答应(要求等),应付(敌人等),(对刺激等)感应,反应3.〈美〉负责,赔偿;【法】承担责任4.〈罕〉符合(希望等)5.【宗】(会众对牧师)唱和[例行应答]6.回答,响应;〈美〉应负...的责任,履行;〈古〉一致,符合1.答,回答;响应 (to)2.答应(要求等),应付(敌人等),(对刺激等)感应,反应3.〈美〉负责,赔偿;【法】承担责任4.〈罕〉符合(希望等)5.【宗】(会众对牧师)唱和[例行应答]6.回答,响应;〈美〉应负...的责任,履行;〈古〉一致,符合


v.1.to react to something by taking a particular course of action; to react by doing what is needed, appropriate, or right for a particular situation; to react well to medical treatment2.to reply, especially in writing

1.回应 sourced 获取来源 responded 回应 Research/ Analytical constructed 建设 ...

2.响应 Stirred 煽动,激动,鼓动 responded 回答,答复;响应 complained 报怨 ...

3.反应 Represented 声称、 描 绘 Responded 反应 Spoke 说 ...

4.回答 ... c. passenger( 乘客,旅客)是坐火车、汽车、飞机的,也 不应搭车; a. responded( 回答,答复)做及物动词 …

5.答复 ... a. repped( 回答), b. responded( 作答,响应,答复), d a. assure( 使信服,使……确信,担保), ...

6.做出回应 ... (赏识) appreciate (做出回应) responded (可靠的) secure ...

7.回应过的 ... * Mobile 手机:启用手机噗浪 * Responded 回应过的 * the whole world 所有人 ...


1.The bank says that Eurex's questions were rather technical in nature and that it had responded to them.兴业则说Eurex的问题主要是技术性的,而且当时他们已作了答复。

2.he said: "the class is over! " rubbing his eyes, the class leader immediately responded with a shout, "stand up! "“起来,下课下!”,结果班长揉揉眼睛喊:“起立!”

3." However, before her son responded, she added, " You know, he's much younger than I expected.“儿子再次开口前,妇人道,”知道吗?他比我想象的年轻得多。

4.Moody's did not return phone calls. Standard & Poor's responded, saying it's not as bad as critics paint it out to be. . .s则不回答任何电话。标准普尔响应了,说它不像批评人士指出的那样坏…

5.But he is eager to share with her what he learned from his "Swedish angels, " as he calls the Swedish women who responded to his poll.但是他想和她分享他从“斯堪地纳维亚天使”那里学到的东西,他就是这么称呼回应他调查的瑞典女性的。

6.In the bottom trough, water could be heard sloshing, as it responded to the vibrations of their footfalls on the stone floor.在木槽底部,能听到有水在流动,似乎是对他们在石地板上的脚步声作出的回应。

7.I nod and responded the paper that writes full label and telephone digit and cautiously fold to heap up to accept into a schoolbag.我点头,接过那张写满名字和电话号码的纸,小心折叠起来收进书包。

8.Israel responded by sending Ep Dayan, a Deputy Foreign Minister, to Egypt to discuss the matter.于是以色列派了外长副官EilDayan前往埃及讨论这一事件。

9.Thus it was that I readily responded, and resolved to be on time.于是我欣然应允,并决心准时前往。

10.The king knew that all of his guests . . . all of those who responded to his gracious invitation . . . were poor and have no royal attire.国王知道所有那些回应他邀请的人都是穷人,也没有皇家的行头