


美式发音: [ˌriˈstrʌktʃər] 英式发音: [ˌriːˈstrʌktʃə(r)]



过去式:restructured  现在分词:restructuring  第三人称单数:restructures  搭配同义词

v.+n.restructure system,restructure sector,restructure business




1.[t][i]~ (sth)调整结构;改组;重建to organize sth such as a system or a company in a new and different way


v.1.to organize something such as a company in a different way so that it will operate better

1.重组 restriction 限制 restructure vt. 调整,重新组织 result 结果 ...


4.改组 restrictive measure 限制性措施 Restructure 改组 Restructuring 改组,结构改造 ...

5.更改结构 Unit 2 resep ons 回答,响应 Unit 3 restructure 更改结构,调整 Unit 4 retain 保留,保持 ...

6.重新组织 restriction 限制 restructure vt. 调整,重新组织 result 结果 ...

7.体制改革 ... respective adj. 分别的, 各自的 restructure v. 重组;体制改革 reunification n. 统一 ...

8.重建 laymen 门外汉,外行人 restructure 重建 sat 坐 ...


1.GM filed for court protection from creditors after spending months trying to restructure its business plan to become profitable.几个月来为了寻求盈利,企业试图改组商业计划,但最终为躲避债权人,不得不向法院申请保护。

2.So the city chose bankruptcy in the hope that it might be able to restructure some of those pension promises.因此城市选择破产希望也许能够调整这些退休金的承诺。

3.He said none of the potential bidders for Saab have come forward with the financing needed to restructure the money-losing automaker.对于通用汽车的旗下品牌萨博,Whitacre表示尚无潜在买家提出有关重整该品牌的合理融资安排。

4.If Greece were to restructure its debt, it would not take long for greed to trump fear and for capital to start flowing again.假如希腊真的重组了它的债务,那要不了多长时间,贪婪的本性就又会战胜恐慌,资本会再次顺畅地流动起来。

5.If it is inevitable that an insolvent Greece is going to have to restructure, it would be better for Greece to do it now.如果一个资不抵债的希腊将必须重组,这是不可避免的,那么它最好现在就重组。

6.Three months ago, he and his wife appped to restructure their mortgage. The bank told them it is still processing the request.三个月前,他和妻子就开始申请调整还贷计划,可银行方面告诉他们说,他们的申请还在研究中。

7.The country will have to restructure its debt, even though its leaders are now insisting it has no intention of doing so.这个国家必须重组自己的债务,即使现在它的领导坚持不打算这么做。

8.Even through the boom years, organizations continued to restructure and downsize to become evermore effective and competitive.即使在经济繁荣的年月,企业也要继续机构改革和精简,以便保持效率和竞争力。

9.Despite a year of grinding hardship Greece looks ever more pkely to have to restructure its debts.尽管经历了一年艰辛不懈的努力,希腊看起来却更可能进行债务重组了。

10.They may be able to work out your loan for you, give you a grace period, or even restructure your loan into terms you can afford.他们也许会想出一个贷款给你,给你一个宽限期,或者重新建立一笔你可以承付的贷款。