




1.结果集 ... 8.3.6 执行存储过程接口 CallableStatement 8.3.7 访问结果集接口 ResultSet 4.2.3 获取 Cookie ...

3.结果集对象 ... 20.3.2 数据库连接类 Connection 412 20.3.5 查询结果集类 ResultSet 414 22.7.2 编写 FormBean 4…

6.关闭结果集 ... * 关闭连接* Connection * 关闭结果集* ResultSet * 返回连接* throws DBAccessException ...


1.As you may imagine, a common business need is to modify specific column values as you iterate through the rows in a ResultSet.正如您想象的那样,常见的业务需求是在循环访问ResultSet中的行时修改特定的列值。

2.For those famipar with JDBC concepts and the java. sql. ResultSet interface, the SDO dynamic API mode will be easy to understand.对于熟悉JDBC概念和java.sql.ResultSet接口的读者来说,SDO的动态API模式是很容易理解的。

3.Is usually used to represent the resultset words obtained from one of the services implemented by JADT Driver.通常被用来表示JADT驱动程序实现的某项服务获得的单词结果集。

4.The next few sections demonstrate how you can use the JDBC API to selectively update, delete, or insert new data into a ResultSet.接下来的几个部分将演示如何使用JDBCAPI有选择性地更新、删除数据或把新数据插入ResultSet中。

5.Underneath, you can visuapze a JDBC ResultSet object being returned and its contents being passed into a for loop.在底层,您可以看到返回了JDBCResultSet对象,它的内容被传递进for循环。

6.In an EJB finder, the return value is a ResultSet, but it has a different number of fields than in the current CMP EJB component.在EJB查找程序中,返回值是ResultSet,但是与当前的CMPEJB组件相比,字段的数量不同。


8.You can change this default value to generate a resultset instead, or to generate both.您可以更改此默认值,以生成结果集代码,或同时生成这两种代码。

9.A ResultSet can be a complex object with a number of important methods.ResultSet可以是具有多个重要方法的复杂对象。

10.Verifies that the specified ResultSet in the ExecutionResult has at least one row.验证ExecutionResult中指定的ResultSet是否至少包含一个行。