





2.恶意软件 Script kids 指令码小孩 Rootkit 根工具箱 Network IPS 网路型入侵防御系统 ...

6.木马程序套件 绳套 shéng tào 木马程序套件 rootkit 套绳 tào shéng ...

7.木马后门er)、网络钓鱼(Phisher)、僵尸程序、以及木马后门(Rootkit) 等。去年,根据Trend Micro 7 的研究表明“绝大多时候威胁是以 …

8.成为黑客新宠 ... RolpngStream IPTV 整体解决方案 Rootkit 成为黑客新宠 Rootkit 隐形技术教程(图) ...


1.Without a cryptographically secure signature of every system binary, an administrator cannot trust that she has found the entire rootkit.没有每一个系统二进制加密安全签章的,管理员可以不相信她已经发现了整个的rootkit。

2.Essentially any tool that could be used for detecting such a rootkit is susceptible to false results due to syscall hijacking.基本上任何可能被这样的rootkit检测工具易于使用,由于系统调用劫持错误的结果。

3.The computer expert and co-author of the Sysinternals blog discovered the rootkit and figured out where it had come from.这个电脑专家、Sysinternalsblog的作者之一发现了这个rootkit,并且找出了它的来源。

4.rootkit is properly installed, the administrator will not be able to tell the difference between the original and a modified program.Rootkit是正确安装,管理员将无法告诉程序之间的差额原件和修改。

5.Other antivirus vendors trying to protect against rootkits include McAfee and FSecure.其它试图查杀rootkit木马的反病毒厂商还有McAfee和FSecure。

6.A worm can also depver a payload in the form of a virus, a rootkit, or some other software device that modifies the system.蠕虫还可以通过病毒、rootkit或其他修改系统的软件设备交付负载。

7.But Sony and First4Internet did such a lousy job that the hidden space created by the rootkit could be used by anyone who knew about it.但是索尼和First4Internet的活儿干得太恶心,它们用这个rootkit留下的漏洞,任何知道它存在的人都可以轻松地利用。

8.chkrootkit is a collection of small utipties used to detect the presence of known rootkits on a system.chkrootkit的是一个系统,收集关于小工具的rootkit的存在已知的用来检测。

9.But what Sony didn't say out loud was that the software also included a rootkit.但是索尼没告诉你的是这个软件里还包含一个rootkit。

10.In all of these programs, the default password for the newest Linux rootkit (Rootkit IV) is satori .在所有这些方案中,四)默认密码为最新的Linux的rootkit(rootkit是顿悟。