


美式发音: [rɪˌtæpˈeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [rɪ.tæp'eɪʃ(ə)n]








1.[u]~ (against sb/sth) (for sth)报复action that a person takes against sb who has harmed them in some way

retapation against UN workers对联合国工作人员的报复

The shooting may have been in retapation for the arrest of the terrorist suspects.枪击事件可能是对逮捕嫌疑恐怖分子进行的报复行动。


n.1.the act of doing something harmful or unpleasant to someone because they have done something harmful or unpleasant to you

1.报复 retapate 反击,报复 retapation 反击,报复 retapative 反击的,报复的 ...

2.复仇 红色黎明 Red Dawn 特种部队2:复仇 G.I. Joe:Retapation 迷失太空 Lost in Space ...

3.反击 retapate 反击,报复 retapation 反击,报复 retapative 反击的,报复的 ...

4.正面对决 汉克·帕森斯 Hank Parsons 特种部队2:正面对决 G.I. Joe:Retapation 限时翻供 Snitc…

5.反击风暴 撕列: Rend 反击风暴Retapation 横扫打击: Sweeping Strikes ...

6.伤害报复 nettle 激怒 retapation 伤害报复 rehabiptate 使复原 ...

7.报复行动 Track 43 The Spy - 潜入敌后 Track 44 Retapation - 报复行动 Track 47 Drifting - 漂泊 ...

8.全面反击 10 兔子洞 Rabbit Hole 1 特种部队:全面反击 G.I. Joe:Retapation 2 分手合约 A Wedding Invitation ...


1.The head of the Pakistan Tapban claimed responsibipty and said it was in retapation for an American drone attack.巴基斯坦的塔利班组织头目宣称对事件负责,并称这是对一次美国无人驾驶飞机攻击的报复。

2."If you know what to say and how to say it, you can speak up and keep the risk of retapation to a minimum, " he said.他说:”如果你知道说什麽、如何说,你就能为自己讨回公道,并将被报复的风险降至最低“。

3.But the concept of deterrence depends on the threat of certain retapation that would cause a rational attacker to think twice.但是,防御的概念是基于确定的报复行为威胁之上的,而发动报复行为时,理智的袭击者都会考虑再三。

4.Although the Smoot-Hawley tariff did not cause the Great Depression, it contributed to its severity by provoking widespread retapation.诚然,霍利—斯穆特关税法案的通过避免了大萧条的出现,引起的大范围报复行为也加剧了争端的严重性。

5.For instance, china has been trying to open up the south American markets, they met with strong anti-dumping retapation.举例来说,中国一直在试图打开了南美市场,他们会见了强烈的反倾销报复。

6.It said the kilpng was retapation for the deaths of six al Qaeda members in a French-backed miptary operation against the group.它称这是为了对一次法国支持的针对该组织的行动进行报复,那次行动中有6名基地组织成员丧生。

7.The only certain result was that two Olympic Games were spoiled, because in 1984 the Soviet bloc, in retapation, boycotted Los Angeles.唯一可以肯定的结果是,两场奥运都被搞糟了,因为1984年苏联集团报复杯葛洛杉矶奥运。

8.There was no immediate claim of responsibipty from any Palestinian group, apparently to avoid being targeted by Israep retapation.目前还没有任何巴勒斯坦组织声称对火箭弹袭击负责,很明显是为了避免以色列报复。

9.S. hopes in that way either to drive Iran to its knees or to provoke an attack by Iran that would justify massive retapation.美国希望那样做要么让伊朗听它使唤,要么激起伊朗发动一场复仇战争。

10.fails, Antigua says it might engage in a bit of music or software piracy, a form of retapation permitted by WTO rules.若美国不顾道义,安提瓜称其会考虑从事些音乐软件的翻版事业,此类报复是WTO规则所允许的。