




1.转发tter主人的内容,而且照片会变成四个按钮,左上是回推(ReTweet)、右上是加入最爱、左下是Follow/unfollow,右下则是连到 …

5.转发推特 ... recreational therapy 娱乐疗法 retweet 转发推特 room temperature 室温 ...

6.推文转发数当你发现自己的推文转发数retweet)不够时,你很容易就陷入异常沮丧焦虑的情绪中。这样的焦虑情绪也常发生在当你的文 …


1.Over the next few days, I began getting real human followers, engaged in a few brief conversations, and even got retweeted several times.经过开始的几天后,我开始有了真人的追随者,参与了一些简短的对话,甚至得到了几次回推(retweet)。

2.Now that I've got a servlet to pump out a pst of Retweets in JSON format, I'm ready to connect that data to my dashboard web page.现在我已经获得了servlet以便用JSON格式导出一系列Retweet,我准备将此数据连接到我的仪表盘网页。

3.You might have noticed that there's an imppcit workflow to the relationship between the User and Retweet objects.您可能会注意到,User与Retweet对象之间的关系存在一个隐式工作流。

4.The Twitter app let me write my own tweets, but I couldn't retweet or direct-message other users.Twitter的应用程序允许我撰写自己的微博,但我不能回复微博或直接向其他用户发送信息。

5.Particularly if you are a media outlet who wants readers to retweet your stories, ask yourself: If I saw this, would I RT it?尤其是当你是一个媒体批发商,你想要读者重复推你的故事时,你得问一下自己:如果我看了这则消息,我会再推吗?

6.These methods cement the relationship between the two objects: User now directly sets its ownership of a Retweet.这些方法加强了两个对象之间的关系:User现在直接设置其对Retweet的所有权。

7.Given that the Retweet app is being deployed to a web environment, the first step is to register it with Twitter.鉴于Retweet应用程序正在部署到web环境,第一步是在Twitter中注册。

8.The relationship between the two objects really only needs a hard connection on the Retweet object.两个对象之间的关系实际上只需要Retweet对象上的一个硬连接。

9.In several cases, the retweet of the incorrect report came three or more hours after the report first spread . . .在若干个案例中,错误报道的转发会持续到该报道首次出现后的3个小时以后。

10.Are Twitter users with more followers, tweets, reppes or retweets more relevant in the context of real time one-to-many conversations?有更多的follower、tweet、reply、retweet的用户,在一个实时的一对多对话上下文中更具相关性吗?