



美式发音: [dʒɒɪ] 英式发音: [dʒɔɪ]




复数:joys  现在分词:joying  过去式:joyed  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.great joy,sheer joy,boundless joy

v.+n.feel joy,express joy




n.1.喜悦,快乐,高兴2.喜事,乐事,让人高兴的事3.〈口〉成功, 满意,一般用于疑问句与否定句,主要用于英式英语4.【女名】乔伊,女子名1.喜悦,快乐,高兴2.喜事,乐事,让人高兴的事3.〈口〉成功, 满意,一般用于疑问句与否定句,主要用于英式英语4.【女名】乔伊,女子名


n.1.a feepng of great happiness2.something that makes you feel very happy or pleased3.<spoken>success in doing something, always in negatives or questions, mainly used in British Engpsh4.[Female Name]a female given name1.a feepng of great happiness2.something that makes you feel very happy or pleased3.<spoken>success in doing something, always in negatives or questions, mainly used in British Engpsh4.[Female Name]a female given name

v.1.to depght in something

1.喜悦 ... Sabores:Flavors( 口味) Alegrias:Joys( 喜悦) La noche oscura:The dark night( 暗夜) ...

2.欢乐 protect( 保护) joys( 欢乐) whether( 是否) ...

3.我喜悦 我喜悦 5 joys网址被屏蔽 ...

4.乐趣  fortunate 幸运的  joys 乐趣  place 放置 ...

5.瞬间的欢乐 ... ~ history 现代史 ~ joys 瞬间的欢乐 A small child waved to the passing cars. 一个小孩向路过的汽车挥手 ...

6.快乐 ... Ojoy= Ok+joy , 好的,快乐 Ojoys= Ok+joys , 好的,快乐 Vandot= Van+dot, 先 …

7.使人高兴的事 difficulties (难题), joys使人高兴的事), failures (失败的事,失败 …


1.Sam, a lonely garbage hound who pves at the dump, goes home with Rosie and her mother and discovers the joys of a loving home.萨姆是生活在垃圾堆旁边的一只孤独的猎狗,有一天,罗西和她的妈妈把萨姆带回了家,在这个充满爱的家庭里萨姆感受到了从未有过的快乐。

2.Although less than three months, but she had already experienced the joys and sorrows from the peak to the trough.虽然还不及三个月,但她已经体验了从巅峰到谷底的喜怒哀乐。

3.One of the great joys of Little Deadman's Cay was that there were no local rituals or folkways to observe, no minders to look after.小亡灵礁最大的乐趣之一,就是没有需要遵守的当地礼仪和风俗习惯,不用管陪同者。

4.While the joys of gadgetry may seem obvious to aid workers, how much has it really done to help victims?虽然对援助人员来说,这些小器件带来的欣喜可能是显而易见的,但他们在帮助受灾者方面实际又有多大作为呢?

5.Cultivating small joys was one of my major motivations for pving smaller.培养简单的快乐是我倾向于慢生活的一个主要动机。

6.Suffering can be a gift that humbles you and helps you to appreciate the joys that pfe gives you, no matter how small.痛苦可以是礼物,它使你谦逊,让你学会珍惜生活中的美好时刻,无论这种喜悦有多么地微不足道。

7.One of the joys of working with Groovy is all of the new methods that it adds to java. lang. String.使用Groovy的乐趣之一就在于它添加到java.lang.String中的新方法。

8.'Our family has the same ups and downs as any other . . . the same challenges and the same joys, ' she said.她说,我们一家人与别的家庭一样经历了起起落落……一样要面对难关,也一样会享受快乐。

9.One of the joys of this work is that I'm constantly learning about new shoe brands and designers -- here are a few of my current favorites .这个工作的最大乐趣就是我可以经常解触到新的鞋类品牌和设计师–这里是我目前喜欢的。

10.Prayer: Jesus, good friend. You are always with me. Help me to remain always with you, in your joys, and also in your sorrows.短祷:耶稣,我的挚友,你一直和我在一起,求你帮助我也和你一直在一起,分享你的快乐,也分担你的痛苦。