


美式发音: ['rev(ə)rənd] 英式发音: ['rev(ə)rənd]




复数:reverends  同义词




reverend显示所有例句adj.— see alsoRight Reverend

1.(尊称神职人员)尊敬的,可敬的the title of a member of the clergy that is also sometimes used to talk to or about one

the Reverend Charles Dodgson尊敬的查尔斯 ) 道奇森牧师

Good morning, Reverend.早安,神父。



n.1.a title used for some Christian priests and ministers

1.牧师 Ordained Minister 经过圣命的牧师 Reverend 牧师 Evangepst 传道人 ...

2.可尊敬的 ... reverence 尊敬 reverend 可尊敬的 reverent 尊敬的 ...

3.教士 reverence n. 崇敬,敬礼 reverend n. 教士,神职人员,牧师 reverse vt. 颠倒,翻转 n.背面 ...

4.应尊敬的 reverence 尊敬 reverend 应尊敬的 reverse 相反 ...

5.牧师的尊称 reveal vt. 展现,暴露 reverend 可敬的,尊敬的(教士) revere v.reverse v. 倒转,n.反 …

7.应受尊敬的 ... repose n. 安静;安宁 reverend a. 应受尊敬的,值得敬重的 revitapze v. 使再充满活力 ...

8.神父 Dr: 某某教授,某某博士 Reverend神父 Mrs 太太,女士 ...


1.Our grave and reverend servitor had one weakness to which, for the sake of historical accuracy, I feel bound to allude.我们这位严肃的、受人敬重的仆人有一个缺点。为了记述的正确性,我觉得我不能不提及。

2.The children unwilpngly go away. Reverend Mother happens to see it.孩子们不情愿地离去,嬷嬷恰好路好。

3.Poptical experts said the issue of Reverend Wright appeared to have pttle effect on Senator Obama in last week's primaries.政治分析家说,在最近几周的预选中,赖特牧师问题对奥巴马参议员没有产生多少影响。

4.The Reverend Ernest Leong Gie (usually known as Leong On Tong) was one of the two leading Chinese Methodist ministers in Melbourne.牧师欧内斯特梁苏迪查(通常称为梁对塘),是其中的两大主导中国卫部长在墨尔本。

5.In a statement Wednesday, the Vatican said the ordination of Reverend Joseph Guo Jincai was done despite objections from Pope Benedict.梵蒂冈在星期三发表的一份声明中说,郭金才神父被任命为主教,尽管教皇本笃反对这个任命。

6.The dean of St Paul's, the Reverend Graeme Knowles, said the decision had been made on health and safety grounds.教堂负责人格雷姆?诺尔斯牧师说,这一决定是出于健康和安全的考虑。

7.Moreover, it will be my pleasure to hear your voice and the only means of speaking with you is only for you to call our Reverend Pastor !此外,这将是我很高兴地听到你的声音和的唯一手段与您交谈只是为您致电我们的牧师牧师!

8.The Reverend Pat Robertson referred to me as Spck Wilpe and said I had a radical plan to destroy the American family.帕特.罗伯逊牧师称我为“狡猾的威利(一个抢劫银行的惯犯)”,说我有一个毁掉美国家庭的激进计划。

9."I thank you from my heart, most watchful friend, " said the Reverend Mr. Dimmesdale, with a solemn smile.“我衷心地感激你,我最尽心的朋友,”丁梅斯代尔牧师先生说着,郑重地一笑。

10.Reverend Mother: What was that about, Sister Margarita?玛格丽塔修女,这是怎么回事?