


美式发音: [ˈskɪlfəl] 英式发音: [ˈskɪlf(ə)l]

adj.灵巧的;擅长于 (at; in);制作精巧的






skillful— see alsoskilful

adj.1.熟练的,灵巧的;擅长于 (at; in)2.制作精巧的

adj.1.very good at doing something that involves special abipty or training2.done with great skill

1.熟练的 truthful 真实的 skillful 熟练的 doubtful 可疑的 ...

2.灵巧的 sixty 六十,六十个 skillful 灵巧的,娴熟的 sky 天(空) ...

3.娴熟的 sixty 六十,六十个 skillful 灵巧的,娴熟的 sky 天(空) ...

4.高明 表示应诺。对,好〖 allright〗 高明,工巧〖 skillful〗 通“缮”。修治〖 repair〗 ...

5.有技巧的 helpful 乐于帮助的 skillful 有技巧的 bagful 一袋之量,满袋 ...

6.制作精巧的 divide vt. 分(开); skillful adj. 灵巧的,熟练的,制作精巧的 skillfully adv. 巧妙地,技术好地 ...


1.It was an important decision. I gave it a lot of thought. I finally found a man who could provide a skillful introduction and.这是个重要的决定嘛。我思考了很久,总算找到个可以给予技术上引导的男人然后……

2.She enjoyed her years in school and was an excellent student of mathematics. She was also quite skillful as a painter.她很喜欢上学的时光,数学一科尤其突出,而且她的绘画技艺也很娴熟。

3.EXAMPLE: A skillful janitor can clean windows perfectly with just a bucket of hot soapy water and a squeegee.一个熟练的保洁员只需一桶热肥皂水和一把橡皮刷就能把窗户打扫得干干净净。

4.He was known to be a very good doctor, with a talent for diagnosis and a reputation for skillful work.大家都知道他是位优秀的医生,具有诊断的天赋,而且医技高超。

5.If a woman falls into this category, even the most skillful of men wouldn't be able to make her orgasm, regardless of his efforts.如果她属于此类的女性,那么即使是性爱之神使尽浑身解数也不能让她到达高潮!

6.They pke the long ball . . . Milan are very skillful but up and down.他们喜欢长传……米兰则非常富于技巧,但总有起伏。

7.No matter how skillful were the workers, the work should have taken at least a few days.但是无论工人怎麽熟练,工程总也要弄上数天罢。

8.The skillful and industrious have no right to take hold of the share of others as a result of their skill and industry.有一技之人的人,勤奋的人没有任何权利仅凭自己的技术和勤奋就去占有其他人的那份财富。

9.They are trying to tell you that you are skillful and talented enough to make it.他们是想告诉你,你非常灵巧能干,能做出这个礼物。

10.Once upon a time, there was a shepherd who was skillful in raising as many as thousands of sheep.昔有一人,巧于牧羊,其羊滋多,乃有千万。