


美式发音: [ˌrevəˈluʃ(ə)nˌaɪz] 英式发音: [ˌrevəˈluːʃəˌnaɪz]



第三人称单数:revolutionizes  现在分词:revolutionizing  过去式:revolutionized  同义词反义词





1.~ sth彻底改变;完全变革to completely change the way that sth is done

Aerial photography has revolutionized the study of archaeology.航空摄影已经给考古学研究带来了一场革命。


v.1.to completely change the way that something is done, thought about, or made

1.彻底改革 revoke 取消 revolutionize vt. 变革,彻底改革 rewind 回绕 ...

2.革命化 popularize 使普通,推广 revolutionize (使)革命化 ladykin 小妇人 ...

3.使革命化 memorize 回忆 191. - revolutionize 使革命化 192. - bowdlerize 删除不恰当之处 193. - ...

4.变革 revoke 取消 revolutionize vt. 变革,彻底改革 rewind 回绕 ...

5.大事改革 revolutionist n. 革命家 revolutionize vt. 鼓吹革命,大事改革 richness n. 富裕,丰富,肥沃 ...

6.宣传革命 ... revolutionist 革命家 revolutionize 宣传革命 revolvable 能旋转的 ...

7.鼓吹革命 revolutionist n. 革命家 revolutionize vt. 鼓吹革命,大事改革 richness n. 富裕,丰富,肥沃 ...

8.使彻底变革 riveted seam: 铆缝 revolutionize: 使彻底变革 garment industry: 服装工业 ...


1.these offering products are the result of years of careful research , and are pkely to revolutionize all the methods in use at present.所提供的这些产品均为本公司数年来精心研究的成果,会使目前所采用的方法产生突破性的变化。

2.Dr. Spencer had invented what was to revolutionize cooking, and form the basis of a multimilpon dollar industry, the microwave oven.于是,斯宾塞博士发明了微波炉,这给烹饪带来了革命性变化,同时也为一个创造巨大财富的产业奠定基础。

3.Since the turn of the century, express trains that run at up to 350 kilometers per hour have started to revolutionize inter-city travel.自本世纪初,高速铁路已达到时速350公里,并开始使城际旅游发生变革。

4.to reach conclusions about the dating of the script changes and expect that this chronology will revolutionize the attempts at decipherment.目前我们正努力断定这文字发生改变的各个年代,预料这份年表将使文字的辨读有突破性进展。

5.Bayesian methods in particular are expected to revolutionize systems biology, just as they did bioinformatics and genetics.贝叶斯定理曾经让生物信息学和遗传学发生翻天覆地的变化,如今它又有望让系统生物学发生彻底变革。

6.Doctor Yusuf said the single pill treatment could revolutionize heart disease prevention.博士Yusuf说,只需服用一片药的治疗方法,将会为心脏病的预防带来一场革命。

7.She may not revolutionize the art, but she will make you sit up, and focus your eyes and mind.她可能无法重塑艺术,但能让你端坐,眼与神专注。对白游走你的脑海,越来越响,那些无法记住的烂片(我渴了,吃什么?

8.What do you think? Will Google Plus revolutionize SEO or do you see it having only a minimal effect?你认为如何呢?Google+会带来SEO的革命么或者你看到它的影响力甚微。

9.The attempt to develop atomic energy will undoubtedly revolutionize the pves of the coming generation.开发原子能的尝试必将使未来人类的生活发生革命性的变化。

10.But the Internet has just as much potential to revolutionize education.不过,互联网同样具有实现教育革命的潜力。