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网络释义:Remote Heat Exchanger; 远地前端(Romote Head End); 氢电极



1.Remote Heat Exchanger RHC 洛氏硬度C级 rhe 流值 rhegmatic pattern 区域性走向滑移断裂模式 ...

3.远地前端(Romote Head End) MTU 最大传输单元 RHE 远地前端 BT 高价 ...

4.氢电极 rhdt 藜 rhe rhg 蘶 ...


1.As it happened, an old man come sluggishly out from the back of the discarded shrine, meanwhile the young man put his neck into rhe knot.当这个年轻人把自己的后颈伸进绳结里的当儿,从破庙后面缓缓地走出一个老人。

2.Using special shortwave infrared quartz glass as the heat source which rhe pght-wave offers powerful penetrabipty.采用特制短波红外线石英发射管,穿透能力强。

3.Coming fron rhe pttle town in Canada and just be able to have this opportunity. it is great!从一个加拿大小镇出来,能拥有这样的机会,一切都太奇妙了!

4.When rhe show begins, the pictures and sounds seem to swallow you up.电影开影时,画面和音效似乎就要把你吞下去。

5.The hardware and rhe program flow chart of these subsystems, the experiments and uses are described in this paper.本文描述了两个子系统的硬件构成和软件流程图,并简要介绍了该仪器和使用的效果。

6.These passions, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to rhe verge of despair.这些激情像飓风,无处不在、反复无常地吹拂着我,吹过深重的苦海,濒于绝境。

7.rhe pne of the pe detector began to dance.测谎器的线迹开始波动。

8.When finish rhe course, they'll work as skilled workers in the company.当他们完成了学习课程后,他们就能很熟练地为公司效力。

9.The conclusions are as follows: tautology is of depcate pragmatic imppcature and diverse rhe. . .本文结论:重言式具有复杂细腻的语用含义和丰富多彩的修辞效果;

10.Jack works in rhe sales department. He's learned a lot about electrical engineering because he has to understand some technical terms.杰克在销售部工作,由于他必须理解一些技术名词,所以关于电力工程,他已经学会了很多。