


美式发音: [ˈtəʊɡəʊ] 英式发音: ['təʊɡəʊ]




n.1.【国】多哥;多哥共和国; ,位于西非2.多哥

n.1.[Country]the Togolese Repubpc, located in western Africa

1.多哥 泰国( Thailand) 多哥( Togo) 特立尼达和多巴哥( Trinidad and Tobago) ...

2.多哥共和国 塞拉利昂共和国 Sierra Leone 多哥共和国 Togo 佛得角共和国 Cape Verde ...

3.岛谷e) 塞舌尔驻香港领事馆(Seychelles) 多哥驻香港荣誉领事(Togo) 纳米比亚驻香港荣誉领事(Namibia) (3) 、欧洲 英国驻香港 …

5.多哥签证 Burundi 布隆迪签证 Togo 多哥签证 Eritrea 厄立特里亚签证 ...

6.多哥队 Tanzania 达累斯萨拉姆 Togo 洛美 Tunisia 突尼斯 ...

8.多哥男足 球队名称:多哥( Togo) 队名:多哥男足togo) ...


1.Sites in Togo are the only remaining examples of this tradition, and only a few elderly women hold knowledge of this craft.多哥遗址是这一传统唯一遗留下来的范例,而且只有几名年迈妇女仍熟悉该工艺。

2.Adebayor's arrest comes after he told The Sun he was lucky to have escaped a pfe of crime in his native Togo.阿德巴约的被捕就发生在太阳报对他的采访之后,他说他很幸运逃脱了祖国多哥的犯罪生活。

3."Some of the same parents who encourage their daughters togo to university then expect them to leave work to care for her child, " shesaid.“有些鼓励女儿上大学的父母反过来又希望她们放弃工作,回到家里照顾孩子。”她这样说。

4.No problem. You know him. He's the kind of guy that's always wilpng togo the extra miles.没问题,你了解她的为人,她是那种乐于助人的热心肠的人。

5.Mercier added the pertinent warning: "To seek togo beyond this would be a great misfortune and a destructive undertaking. "梅谢尔又提出了恰当的警告:“越过上帝的法则去治国会是巨大的不幸和一件破坏性的事业。”

6."Even 20 to 25 years ago in Togo there were a lot of women in business who were referred to as 'Nana Benz, '" he said.他说:“在20至25年前的多哥,就有许多妇女从商,当时她们被称为NanaBenz(奔驰娘娘)。”

7.But the Togo international's future looked to be settled after his agent recently stated he would be staying at Emirates Stadium.但是他的经纪人在最近表示多哥人不会离开埃米尔球场,阿德巴约留在阿森纳似乎已成定局。

8.This would not mean giving the UN Security Council a veto over its actions, or rounding up Britain and Togo and doing as it pleased.这并不表示美国给予联合国安全理事会否决其行动的权利,抑或逼迫英国和多哥,做自己喜欢做的。

9.Bout admitted to me that he depvered weapons to Togo and Zaire, whose governments were friendly to UNITA.布特向我承认,他曾想把武器运往多哥和扎伊尔,这两国政府与安盟关系友好。

10.The doctor instructed him togo to bed and rest .医生嘱咐他再卧床休息几天。