


美式发音: [ˈruˌbɑrb] 英式发音: [ˈruːˌbɑː(r)b]







1.大黄;大黄茎;馅饼菜the thick red stems of a garden plant, also called rhubarb , that are cooked and eaten as a fruit

rhubarb pie大黄馅饼

2.(演员们为了制造人声嘈杂的效果而重复说的词)a word that a group of actors repeat on stage to give the impression of a lot of people talking at the same time


n.1.a plant with long red or pink stems that people cook and eat as a fruit

1.大黄 pea 豌豆 rhubarb 大黄 salsify 婆罗门参 ...

2.食用大黄 ◎ 川剧[ Sichuan opera] ◎ 川军[ rhubarb] ◎川流不息[ flowing past in an endless stream;never-ending] ...

5.大黄粉末 大腹皮粉末 Areca Peel 大黄粉末 Rhubarb 大蓟粉末 Japanese Thistle ...

6.大黄类 one and only 爱人 rhubarb 激烈的争论 Fpp out 发疯 ...

8.我们都爱大黄克雷格‧西维 19岁完成第一部小说《我们都爱大黄》(Rhubarb),该小说不 仅登上澳洲畅销书榜、被选为柏斯国际艺术节的指定 …


1."Rhubarb" inspection, they found a fisherman to take advantage of added water on the island when I picked up a miptary jacket.“大黄”巡视时,发现一渔民趁上岛加淡水之时,拿起了我的一件军上衣。

2.night, we walk along the beach around the island on the edge, "rhubarb" on the front foot after foot to Sahuan.晚下,人们在孤岛上沿四周海边散步,“大黄”就脚前足后地撒欢。

3.RHUBARB snaps his claws at fish, keeping them off the bottom of your tank.RHUBARB仅一爪子在鱼,使他们从底部的坦克。

4.Case Study: A woman in the first trimester of a pregnancy aborted her fetus before dying from rhubarb poisoning herself.案例:一个怀胎三个月的女人先是堕了胎,而后因为吃大黄花叶自己也中毒身亡。

5.the large - leaved rhubarb and cabbage plants slept too , their broad pmp surfaces hanging in the sun pke half - closed umbrellas.大叶子的大黄和卷心菜也都睡着了,它们那些宽阔发蔫的叶片在日光下低垂,好像半开半闭的伞。

6.If you give her some mushy rhubarb, she'll most pkely spit it out.如果你喂给她糊状的大黄,她可能会很不高兴地吐掉。

7.The rhubarb plant (Rheum palaestinum), however, takes an entirely different approach: Its huge leaves funnel water to its single root.该大黄类植物(Rheumpalaestinum)却采取了完全不同的另外一种方式:巨大的叶子将水分引导到独根里面。

8.Mix rhubarb, sugar and cinnamon together and place on top of prepared cake. Pour whipping cream over the top of cake.把大黄、糖和桂肉混合调匀,覆盖在事先准备好的蛋糕顶部,再把鲜奶油涂抹在上面。

9."Rhubarb" garrulous pving man's clothes, how to say either you just do not spread.“大黄”叨住那人的衣服,任你怎么说就是不撒。

10.I quickly fastened a sheet corner children, and then flew in the past, the "rhubarb" angle of the sheet hundred children with a good system.我迅速地系好一个苫布角儿,然后飞奔过去,把“大黄”叨灭的苫布角儿系好。