


网络释义:杨百翰大学(Brigham Young University);杨伯翰大学;杨柏翰大学


1.杨百翰大学(Brigham Young University) ... (Florida Tech) 佛罗里达理工学院 (BYU) 杨柏翰大学 (UCB) 科罗拉多大学 ...

4.美国杨百翰大学应美国杨百翰大学BYU)之邀请,卓新平所长、郑筱筠、曾传辉、杨健于5月11-16日赴美参加“宗教与当代社会”学术研讨会, …


1.At BYU and most schools in the U. S. , students who cheat are expelled (kicked out).在杨百翰和大部分美国大学,作弊的学生都会被学校除名(开除)。

2.BYU is owned and operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which frowns on premarital relations.杨伯翰大学是拥有和由耶稣基督后期圣徒,于婚前关系皱眉教会运作。

3.BYU has every incentive to just slap Davies on the wrist for his transgression.杨百翰大学有充分的动机只是拍戴维斯对他的罪过的手腕。

4.Now BYU scholars are working to record and study the Vatican pbrary.现在该校学者正在为记录和研究梵蒂冈的馆藏而努力。

5.He also teaches a course on translation technology at BYU.他还在杨百翰大学教授一门翻译技术课程。

6.I have the utmost respect for the BYU women's soccer program and its players.并向杨百翰大学女子足球运动及其队员表达无限的尊重。

7.Funding also came from BYU's Family Studies Center.这次研究的资金同样也有部分来在于杨百翰家庭研究中心。

8.I am especially sorry to BYU and the BYU women's soccer players that were personally affected by my actions.我尤其要向杨百翰大学及我的个人行为伤害了的杨百翰女足队员道歉。

9.This year, Harvard's 76. 5 percent yield was a mere . 4 percentage points lower than BYU's after traipng by 2 percentage points last year.去年落后了2%的哈佛大学今年还是以76.5%的入学率比杨百翰大学低了4%。

10.BYU Young Ambassadors--reuniting with old friends杨百翰青年大使—和老朋