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abbr.(=United Nations Development Program)联合国发展方案


网络释义:联合国开发计划署(United Nations Development Programme);联合国发展计划署(United Nations Development Program);联合国计划开发署


abbr.1.(=United Nations Development Program(me))联合国发展方案


abbr.1.(=United Nations Development Program(me))

n.1.[International Organizations ]United Nations Development Programme

1.联合国开发计划署(United Nations Development Programme)治理和公共服务水平的项目,联合国系统驻华协调代表兼联合国开发计划署(UNDP)驻华代表马和励先生表示:随着中国城市化 …

2.联合国发展计划署(United Nations Development Program)并与联合国发展计划署UNDP)、国际企业预防艾滋病联合会(GBC)、美国国立卫生研究所(NIH)、开放社会研究所(OS…

3.联合国计划开发署联合国计划开发署(UNDP)文件联合国计划开发署(UNDP)文件隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 yanloushaoyuge贡献于2010-06-07 …

4.联合国开发署□联合国开发署UNDP)项目,广州地区NOx污染控制的费用效益分析□广东省环保局项目,珠江三角洲空气质量研究 □中国工 …

5.联合国开发计画署由联合国开发计画署(UNDP)发布的这一排名是按人类发展指数得分计算的,衡量过去21年在考虑经济前景、教育水准和寿命预 …

6.联合国发展署联合国发展署(uNDP)在森的可行能力框架基础上,设计出人类发展指数(HumanDevelopment Index,HDI),推行人类发展理念(…


1.But UNDP officials said the figures were not fully comparable due to changes in calculation methods this year.但联合国开发计划署的官员表示,由于计算方法与去年不同,榜单并不完全可比。

2.The UNDP says the money was handed in by an Egyptian consultant in 1995, and forgotten: an oversight, yes, but hardly an appalpng scandal.联合国开发计划署说钱是1995年一位埃及顾问交来的,但却忘了:这是一次疏忽,没错儿,却也绝对是令人震惊的丑闻。

3."We spend a lot of money doing capacity building, but it is not clear that this has an impact, " says Mr Boutroue of UNDP.UNDP的Boutroue先生说:“我们在能力建设上花了很多钱,但并不清楚这是否有效”。

4.United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) once pointed out poverty has a woman's face. Most of the poor are female.联合国开发计划署曾指出贫困长着一张女性的面孔,大部分的贫困人口都是女性。

5.UNDP officials retort that the Americans won't tell them what sort of thing they are allegedly hiding.而联合国发展计划署的官员反驳说美国根本讲不出他们涉嫌隐瞒了什么。

6.The Delegation also referred to UNDP's experience in its report on human development .代表团也提及了UNDP关于人力开发报告中的经验。

7.The ever-cheerful UNDP said in 1999 that the basins of the Nile, Niger, Volta and Zambezi were all potential flashpoints.1999年,信誓旦旦的联合国开发计划署曾表示,尼罗河、尼日尔河、沃尔特河以及赞比西河流域都是潜在的火药桶。

8.UNDP chief Osman Ap Ahmed was gunned down at close range Sunday evening as he returned home from evening prayers at a mosque in Mogadishu.艾哈迈德星期天晚上从摩加迪沙一座清真寺做完礼拜回家途中,被人近距离枪杀。

9.UNDP is financed by voluntary contributions from virtually every Member of the United Nations and its related agencies .开发计划署的经费是由联合国几乎所有会员国和其有关机构成员国自愿捐献的。

10.This week another of those agencies, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), pubpshed its annual report on human development.本周另一联合国办事机构联合国开发计划署(theUnitedNationsDevelopmentProgramme),发布了每年一次的人类发展状况报告。