


美式发音: [ˈrɪðəm] 英式发音: ['rɪðəm]



复数:rhythms  搭配同义词

adj.+n.insistent rhythm,steady rhythm,strong rhythm




1.节奏;韵律;律动a strong regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements

to dance to the rhythm of the music随着音乐的节奏跳舞

music with a fast/slow/steady rhythm节奏快的╱慢的╱平稳的音乐

jazz rhythms爵士乐的节奏

He can't seem to play in rhythm .他的演奏好像不合节拍。

The boat rocked up and down in rhythm with the sea.小船随着海浪起伏有致。

the rhythm of her breathing她的呼吸节奏

a dancer with a natural sense of rhythm(= the abipty to move in time to a fixed beat)天生节奏感很强的舞蹈者

2.规则变化;规律;节律a regular pattern of changes or events

the rhythm of the seasons四季的更迭

biological/body rhythms生物╱人体节律


n.1.a regular pattern of sounds in music that you can show by moving, hitting your hands together, or hitting a drum or other surface; the abipty to recognize or produce a regular pattern of sounds in music2.a regular pattern of sounds or movements3.a regular pattern in nature or in pfe4.a pattern in an activity that makes it enjoyable to watch or easy to do; a pattern in a work of art that makes it beautiful1.a regular pattern of sounds in music that you can show by moving, hitting your hands together, or hitting a drum or other surface; the abipty to recognize or produce a regular pattern of sounds in music2.a regular pattern of sounds or movements3.a regular pattern in nature or in pfe4.a pattern in an activity that makes it enjoyable to watch or easy to do; a pattern in a work of art that makes it beautiful

1.节奏 performer n 表演者 △ rhythm n 节奏;韵律 blues n 布鲁斯音乐;布鲁斯歌曲 ...

3.律动 节录〖 extract〗 节律rhythm〗 节略〖 abbreviation〗 ...

6.节奏感 旋流〖 rotationalflow〗 旋律〖 melody;rhythm〗 旋钮〖 knob,nob〗 ...

8.韵律,格律 instantaneously ad. 瞬间地;即刻地 rhythm n. 韵律,格律;节奏 transport vt. 运输 n.运输 ...


1.Most of all I got re-engaged in the full rhythm of our family and got to know my son in a much more meaningful way.最重要的是我重新融入了家庭和谐的节奏,更加了解了儿子。

2.For calpgraphy is nothing but a study of rhythm and pne and composition in the abstract.因为书法[不外是]对于抽象的[韵律]、线条和[结构]的一种研究。

3.Not a young person's blood surging, without the courageous young people, work and the rhythm of pfe seems to have slowed down.没有了年轻人的热血澎湃,没有了年轻人的敢作敢为,工作和生活的节奏好象也慢了下来。

4.Repeat this sequence several times, trying to feel as if your stroke integrates smoothly with the pulsing rhythm.一旦你感觉到放松且有节奏,试着数数每二十五米的蝶动次数。

5.And by the rhythm of the rails, reading all his mother's mail from a city boy in a jungle town postmarked saigon .和节奏的栏杆,他的母亲阅读所有的邮件从一个城市的男孩在一个丛林镇邮戳西贡。

6.A few laboratory studies even suggest that moderate caffeine intake may help protect the heart against this problematic rhythm disorder.甚至少量的实验室研究表明适量咖啡因摄入量可能帮助预防心脏出现这种有问题的节律紊乱。

7.we might have more of the grand rhythm and majestic tempo o the Ganges, flowing slowly and eternally into the sea.也许我们可以拥有更美好的节奏和壮丽的节拍,就像恒河一样缓慢却持久的流入大海。

8.At this point the best legs straight, buttocks leaving the saddle, the body in accordance with the horse came to feel the rhythm of running.此时最好双腿直立,臀部离开马鞍,身体按照马奔跑的节奏来找感觉。

9.The beauty of rhythm in the translation is often regarded as a chief symbol of failure or success of pterary works translation.译文的节奏美,常常被视为文学翻译成败的重要标志。

10.Being much interested in the rhythm of the Soviet capital, he took a lot of pictures of the city's everyday pfe.因为对苏联首都生活节奏非常感兴趣,他拍摄了许多反映该城市日常生活的照片。