

St. Louis

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1.圣路易斯圣路易斯(St.Louis) 54评论 重要提示:警惕虚假中奖信息 岛国宛如仙境樱花城 关注每日最热门博客 [ 发评论 ] 一、美国城市化 …

2.圣路易市圣路易市(St.Louis)名列全美犯罪率最高五大城之一,治安不佳,观光客应慎防扒窃、抢劫,夜间避免独自上街。内布拉斯加州 ( …

3.圣路易斯市学校所在的圣路易斯市St. Louis)是美国密苏里州最大的城市,也是密西西比河畔重要的工业城市和水陆交通枢纽,曾于190…


5.密苏里州圣路易斯市第12位:密苏里州圣路易斯市St. Louis)在这次评选的全部9个考量指标中,圣路易斯市和底特律市是唯一两个在所有细分指 …

6.密苏里州圣路易市密苏里州圣路易市(St. Louis)的投资顾问杰拉德•凯泽(Jared Kizer)说,在某些情况下,对陌生领域的投资恐惧可能是件好事,因 …


1.Authorities say St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Josh Hancock was drunk and talking on his cell phone at the time of his fatal crash on Sunday.官方称,圣路易红雀队的投手在星期天的车祸中死亡,当时他醉酒驾车并打着电话。

2.When he returned to St. Louis, he gave up running, too exhausted for the sport he loved. He started having night sweats.回到圣路易斯,他放弃了跑步,由于筋疲力竭而无法进行他最热爱的运动。他在夜间开始盗汗。

3.The Treaty of St. Louis is one of many treaties signed between the United States and various Native American tribes.圣路易斯条约是指美国与各印第安人部落签订的众多条款之一。

4.But over dinner at a trendy St. Louis restaurant, he picked at his chicken and said he was afraid to hope.坐在圣路易斯的一家时髦餐厅里,他索然无味地扒弄着鸡肉,说自己已经不敢再期望。

5.By looking at another data series from the St. Louis Fed that tracks how much money commercial banks have lent.参考另一个圣路易斯联邦储备银行发布的专门追踪商业银行放贷金额的数据序列。

6.Archie League was one of the system's first flag men , beginning in the late 1920s at the airfield in St. Louis, Missouri.安吉·里格是当时最早的摇旗手,他于20年代晚期在密苏里州的圣路易斯机场开始这项工作。

7.When Obama flew to St. Louis for the 2009 All-star Game, he invited Mays to join him on his plane and to be his guest at the game.当奥巴马飞往至2009年全明星赛的路易斯,他邀请他五月份加入他的飞机和被他的客人在这场比赛。

8.I have no memory of any that offered air conditioning, which would have been handy in a sultry St. Louis July.在圣路易斯闷热的七月,空调本应唾手可得,可我不记得有哪家影院曾提供国这项服务。

9.It was only after her second marriage ended, when she was 35, that Savant began to think about leaving St Louis.35岁时,第二次婚姻结束,莎凡特开始考虑离开圣路易斯。

10.Trade-unions began to appear , first along the seaboard , then at such interior points as Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis .工会渐渐出现,起初循沿海岸,然后在象布法罗、匹兹堡、辛辛那提和圣路易这些内地城市展开。